FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6446 Discussions

ALtera FFT Outputs in SignalTapII

Honored Contributor II



I'm using an Alter 1024-point FFT IP (burst) and after implementing it I used SignalTapII for the FFT outputs acquisition. Now, I want to plot these output values using MATLAB but I'm a little confused about the format of these outputs. For testing I used 32-bit real input, all ones, and the imaginary is fixed to zero. 


How are the real and exponent outputs represented; are they just decimal, signed or two's complement signed? How can I correctly plot these outputs? 


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Honored Contributor II


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I'm using an Alter 1024-point FFT IP (burst) and after implementing it I used SignalTapII for the FFT outputs acquisition. Now, I want to plot these output values using MATLAB but I'm a little confused about the format of these outputs. For testing I used 32-bit real input, all ones, and the imaginary is fixed to zero. 


How are the real and exponent outputs represented; are they just decimal, signed or two's complement signed? How can I correctly plot these outputs? 



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altera fftcore if set to block floating point then output = fft_output * 2^(-exponent) 


Re/im data & exponent are all signed. 

signed = decimal = 2's complement...usually
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