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PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6537 Discussions

Bug in V-Series Avalon-MM DMA for PCI Express: port size mismatch->wrong data read

Honored Contributor II

I was testing the sample (http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/reference_design:_gen2x4_avmm_dma_-_arria_v) in the wiki in my Arria V starter kit, and tweaking a little the parameters (enabled bursting in BAR2) and initializing the onchip memory with some data. 


I noticed that in the host PC, with a small Linux driver, half of the data read from the PCI bus memiory was repeated: of every 256 bytes, the second half was repeated from the first half. 


The cause appeared when trying to run a simulation (lesson learned: always generante simulation files in Qsys and at least load the simulation), Modelsim complained with a compilation error. HPRxmReadData_i and other ports had inconsistent sizes (128 in Verilog Source, and 256 in the code generated by QSys). 


The fix : in the file <quartus installation dir>\ip\altera\altera_pcie\altera_pcie_hip_256_avmm\pcie_256_avmm_port.tcl , look for the procedure add_pcie_hip_port_avmm_hprxmaster and change  


set rxm_data_width 256 




set rxm_data_width [ get_parameter_value DMA_WIDTH ] 


Hope this helps 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Hi Ramon, Thank you for sharing this finding, indeed true in v15.0 theparameter rxm_data_width was fixed to 256.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I was testing the sample (http://www.alterawiki.com/wiki/reference_design:_gen2x4_avmm_dma_-_arria_v) in the wiki in my Arria V starter kit, and tweaking a little the parameters (enabled bursting in BAR2) and initializing the onchip memory with some data. 


I noticed that in the host PC, with a small Linux driver, half of the data read from the PCI bus memiory was repeated: of every 256 bytes, the second half was repeated from the first half. 


The cause appeared when trying to run a simulation (lesson learned: always generante simulation files in Qsys and at least load the simulation), Modelsim complained with a compilation error. HPRxmReadData_i and other ports had inconsistent sizes (128 in Verilog Source, and 256 in the code generated by QSys). 


The fix : in the file <quartus installation dir>\ip\altera\altera_pcie\altera_pcie_hip_256_avmm\pcie_256_avmm_port.tcl , look for the procedure add_pcie_hip_port_avmm_hprxmaster and change  


set rxm_data_width 256 




set rxm_data_width [ get_parameter_value DMA_WIDTH ] 


Hope this helps 


--- Quote End ---  



Thanks for sharing this.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi ramon_garcia, 


Thanks for the resolution. It is helpful.
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