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6542 Discussions

Qsys execution within modelsim

New Contributor I



I'm trying to automate my simulation environment in Modelsim which uses an Intel Avalon MM master BFM.


I want to generate all the required scripts within Modelsim, so I only need to pass the qsys file to Modelsim. However when I try to execute qsys-generate within modelsim it crashes (qsys-generate works fine and does its job, but Modelsim doesn't seem to like it and throws an error)


Any work around or any fix to this?



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1 Solution
New Contributor I

Hi @Vicky​ ,


Unfortunately your links didn't work...it seems Modelsim does not like how qsys-generate ends up, so I can't call it from within Modelsim.


However, I found a workaround that works quite ok. So instead of calling qsys-generate within Modelsim, I execute a tcl script in quartus that first executes the qsys-generate and when all the sources are generated, launches Modelsim with an attached do file, for setting up the simulation environment and compilation dependencies.



View solution in original post

6 Replies
New Contributor I

What's the specific error that Modelsim is throwing?

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi @AndyN​,


Basically it spits out the output of the qsys-generate execution:


# Error in macro ./testbench.do line 67

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Saving generation log to C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm_generation.rpt

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Starting: <b>Create simulation model</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: qsys-generate C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.qsys --simulation=VHDL --allow-mixed-language-simulation --output-directory=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Loading avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm.qsys

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Reading input file

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Adding mm_master_bfm_0 [altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm 17.0]

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Parameterizing module mm_master_bfm_0

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Building connections

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Parameterizing connections

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Validating

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Done reading input file

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Transforming system: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b> took 0.032s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Naming system components in system: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Processing generation queue"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm_vhdl"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Done "<b>avl_mm_bfm</b>" with 2 modules, 13 files

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: qsys-generate succeeded.

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Finished: <b>Create simulation model</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Starting: <b>Create Modelsim Project.</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: sim-script-gen --spd=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.spd --output-directory=C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/ --use-relative-paths=true

# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Doing: <b>ip-make-simscript --spd=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.spd --output-directory=C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/ --use-relative-paths=true</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>MODELSIM</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>mentor/msim_setup.tcl</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Skipping <b>VCS</b> script generation since VHDL file $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_syn_attributes.vhd is required for simulation

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>VCSMX</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>synopsys/vcsmx/synopsys_sim.setup</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>synopsys/vcsmx/vcsmx_setup.sh</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>NCSIM</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>cadence/cds.lib</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>cadence/hdl.var</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>cadence/ncsim_setup.sh</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>2 .cds.lib files</b> in <b>cadence/cds_libs/</b> directory

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>RIVIERA</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:   <b>aldec/rivierapro_setup.tcl</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: For information on how to simulate your IP, see the explanatory comments in the simulator-specific subdirectories under C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/.

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Regenerate these scripts whenever you make any change to any Quartus-generated IP in your project.

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Finished: <b>Create Modelsim Project.</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Starting: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: qsys-generate C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.qsys --synthesis=VHDL --output-directory=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Loading avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm.qsys

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Reading input file

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Adding mm_master_bfm_0 [altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm 17.0]

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Parameterizing module mm_master_bfm_0

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Building connections

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Parameterizing connections

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Validating

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Done reading input file

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Transforming system: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b>

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b> took 0.023s

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Naming system components in system: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Processing generation queue"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: avl_mm_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm"

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Done "<b>avl_mm_bfm</b>" with 2 modules, 6 files

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: qsys-generate succeeded.

# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Finished: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b>

# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M

#    while executing

# "exec $sopc_path/qsys-generate $filename --synthesis=VHDL --simulation=VHDL --output-directory=$dir/$folder --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG..."



0 Kudos


May I know any update?



0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi @Vicky​ ,


Unfortunately your links didn't work...it seems Modelsim does not like how qsys-generate ends up, so I can't call it from within Modelsim.


However, I found a workaround that works quite ok. So instead of calling qsys-generate within Modelsim, I execute a tcl script in quartus that first executes the qsys-generate and when all the sources are generated, launches Modelsim with an attached do file, for setting up the simulation environment and compilation dependencies.





Glad to know that an issue is resolved.



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