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I'm trying to automate my simulation environment in Modelsim which uses an Intel Avalon MM master BFM.
I want to generate all the required scripts within Modelsim, so I only need to pass the qsys file to Modelsim. However when I try to execute qsys-generate within modelsim it crashes (qsys-generate works fine and does its job, but Modelsim doesn't seem to like it and throws an error)
Any work around or any fix to this?
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Hi @Vicky ,
Unfortunately your links didn't work...it seems Modelsim does not like how qsys-generate ends up, so I can't call it from within Modelsim.
However, I found a workaround that works quite ok. So instead of calling qsys-generate within Modelsim, I execute a tcl script in quartus that first executes the qsys-generate and when all the sources are generated, launches Modelsim with an attached do file, for setting up the simulation environment and compilation dependencies.
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What's the specific error that Modelsim is throwing?
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Hi @AndyN,
Basically it spits out the output of the qsys-generate execution:
# Error in macro ./testbench.do line 67
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Saving generation log to C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm_generation.rpt
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Starting: <b>Create simulation model</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: qsys-generate C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.qsys --simulation=VHDL --allow-mixed-language-simulation --output-directory=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Loading avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm.qsys
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Reading input file
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Adding mm_master_bfm_0 [altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm 17.0]
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Parameterizing module mm_master_bfm_0
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Building connections
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Parameterizing connections
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Validating
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: Done reading input file
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Transforming system: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:16 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b> took 0.032s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Naming system components in system: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Processing generation queue"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm_vhdl"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Done "<b>avl_mm_bfm</b>" with 2 modules, 13 files
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Finished: <b>Create simulation model</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Starting: <b>Create Modelsim Project.</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: sim-script-gen --spd=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.spd --output-directory=C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/ --use-relative-paths=true
# 2019.08.09.08:14:17 Info: Doing: <b>ip-make-simscript --spd=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.spd --output-directory=C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/ --use-relative-paths=true</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>MODELSIM</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>mentor/msim_setup.tcl</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Skipping <b>VCS</b> script generation since VHDL file $QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR/eda/sim_lib/altera_syn_attributes.vhd is required for simulation
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>VCSMX</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>synopsys/vcsmx/synopsys_sim.setup</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>synopsys/vcsmx/vcsmx_setup.sh</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>NCSIM</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>cadence/cds.lib</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>cadence/hdl.var</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>cadence/ncsim_setup.sh</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>2 .cds.lib files</b> in <b>cadence/cds_libs/</b> directory
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Generating the following file(s) for <b>RIVIERA</b> simulator in <b>C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/</b> directory:
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: <b>aldec/rivierapro_setup.tcl</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: For information on how to simulate your IP, see the explanatory comments in the simulator-specific subdirectories under C:/Projects/fw_cores/common_files/tags/Iss1Rev3/sim/avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm/sim/.
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Regenerate these scripts whenever you make any change to any Quartus-generated IP in your project.
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Finished: <b>Create Modelsim Project.</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info:
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Starting: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: qsys-generate C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm.qsys --synthesis=VHDL --output-directory=C:\Projects\fw_cores\common_files\tags\Iss1Rev3\sim\avl_mm_bfm\avl_mm_bfm --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Loading avl_mm_bfm/avl_mm_bfm.qsys
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Reading input file
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Adding mm_master_bfm_0 [altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm 17.0]
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Parameterizing module mm_master_bfm_0
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Building connections
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Parameterizing connections
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Validating
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Done reading input file
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Transforming system: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: mm_master_bfm_0: Running transform <b>generation_view_transform</b> took 0.000s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b>
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Running transform <b>merlin_avalon_transform</b> took 0.023s
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Naming system components in system: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Processing generation queue"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: avl_mm_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: "Generating: altera_avalon_mm_master_bfm"
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: avl_mm_bfm: Done "<b>avl_mm_bfm</b>" with 2 modules, 6 files
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: qsys-generate succeeded.
# 2019.08.09.08:14:23 Info: Finished: <b>Create HDL design files for synthesis</b>
# Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M
# while executing
# "exec $sopc_path/qsys-generate $filename --synthesis=VHDL --simulation=VHDL --output-directory=$dir/$folder --family="Arria 10" --part=10AS066N3F40E2SG..."
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Refer the links below,
please let me know if you have any different concern.
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May I know any update?
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Hi @Vicky ,
Unfortunately your links didn't work...it seems Modelsim does not like how qsys-generate ends up, so I can't call it from within Modelsim.
However, I found a workaround that works quite ok. So instead of calling qsys-generate within Modelsim, I execute a tcl script in quartus that first executes the qsys-generate and when all the sources are generated, launches Modelsim with an attached do file, for setting up the simulation environment and compilation dependencies.
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Glad to know that an issue is resolved.

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