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SPOC Builder IP cores

Honored Contributor II

I have a Terasic de2-70 board and am trying to modify the example code provided by Altera in the Monitor for the DE2-70 Basic Computer. According to the pdf file provided, I first need to install the SOPC Builder IP cores provided at the University Program site. I cannot seem to find these basic cores and was wondering if someone could provide a link to them. 

FYI the task I am trying to undertake simply involves redefining the UART serial port pins from the MAX-232 chip on the board to the GPIO expansion port so that I can get at TTL levels. I could modify the pin assignment file in the Basic Computer verilog directory, but I am not sure that would work without a rebuild. 

Thanks for any assistance that is available. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I would like to apologize for my question to the 200+ people who viewed it. It turns out that the Basic IP cores are built in when Qsys is loaded. I was able to use Qsys to convert the Basic Computer .sopc and then rebuilt it with no problem. I will next try to reassign the pins in question. Next time I will try to have a more relavent question. 


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