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6513 Discussions

Triple-Speed Ethernet IP on Cyclone V GX - GXB Transceiver Reconfiguration

New Contributor I

I'm integrating the Triple-Speed Ethernet IP on Cyclone V GX device (5CGXFC3B6F23I7) using Quartus Prime 23.1std.

The generated IP has a reconfiguration interface made of two signals: reconfig_togxb and reconfig_fromgxb.

By looking the documentation, it seams I need to instantiate a Reconfiguration Controller:

"For Arria V, Cyclone V, and Stratix V designs, Altera recommends that you instantiate the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller megafunction and connect the megafunction to the dynamic reconfiguration signals to enable offset cancellation. The transceivers in the Arria V, Cyclone V, and Stratix V designs are configured with Altera Custom PHY IP. The Custom PHY IP requires two reconfiguration interfaces for external reconfiguration controller. For more information on the reconfiguration interfaces required, refer to the V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide and the respective device user guides."



1. If I didn't instantiate this controller, what do I need to do with signals  reconfig_togxb and reconfig_fromgxb?

2. If I didn't instantiate this controller, what are the consequences?

3. If I instantiate this controller, what are the specific parameters for my TSEC SGMII interface?

   - Number of reconfiguration interface: 2 (OK - in the documentation)

   - Enable duty cycle calibration : Yes or No ?

   - Enable Analog Controls: Yes or No ?

   - Enable channel/PLL reconfiguration: Yes or No?

   - Enable PLL reconfiguration support block: Yes or No?


Thanks for support



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