FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

UDP to Avalon MM

Honored Contributor II

i am an analogue engineer who has been having a "play" with a Dev board for a project i am working on. i have a MM sytem which Has an EEProm and SRAM.  


in one of the registers of the EEProm the 32 bit value represnets a sample rate for a DAC. on power up the value from the EEProm is read into an FPGAS register. My VHDL code will "look" at this register and set the sample rat accordingly . Over system console i can change the value in the EEProm which then updates the value in the FPGA register in turn changing the sample rate. 


What i would like to do is change the value of registers in either the SRAM or EEProm via UDP. would any one be able to lead me in the right direction. 


my VHDL is Ok but my C/C++ is non existent. 


Many thanks
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Receiving a command over UDP in software is quite simple. But in order to get there, you need to first get Ethernet up and running on your board. Have you already done that or can you find an example project where someone has already done it? 


Basically, you want to get the Altera-supplied "Simple Socket Server" program up and running on your board, and then delete everything you don't want and add the things you do want (the UDP receiving of a command and writing to your peripheral registers). 


If you're stuck - follow up with what board you have and maybe someone can get you a link to a good starter project for it if the board vendor didn't already.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks for the reply ted, its very helpful. i have read some where on alteras webpage about a simple socket server.  


i have a de2-115 dev board, i know that there is a lot of tutorials and examples etc on the university program page so i've been working through the tutorials, just about to start the computer origination section which has a lot of tutorials on the nios processor, would you know any examples that would work on the de2-115 board 


many thanks
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Honored Contributor II
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