FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

VIP FIR Filter 2D

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


I would to implement a VIP FIR filter 2D in my design to increase the sharpness of the video. My video process (consiting of a chain of Video IP) is running at 125MHz for a definition of 1600 x 1200 px @25fps. The color plane are send in parallel. 

Because the FIR filter 2D does not support pixel in parallel, I instanciated it with 2 Color Plane Sequencer (CPS).  

However, I think there is a problem : the first CPS cannot convert 1600 x 1200 px 25fps @125MHz from parrellel to sequence ! 

1600px * 1200px * 25fps * 3colorplane = 144 MHz  


I think it cannot work. Am I right ? 


Thanks in advance.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

try adding three Color Plane Sequencers to break the three parallel video streams into three x1 streams. feed each stream through its own 2D filter. then, remux the three streams into one using another Color Plane Sequencer

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Honored Contributor II

your the best ! 

Do you have an idea for increasing the saturation of the color. Is it possible to do it with the VIP suite ?
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