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6463 Discussions

VIP Suite - Mixer II background layer

Honored Contributor II

According to the Video and Image Processing Suite User's Guide, the Mixer II component includes a built-in test pattern generator for the background layer. However, there is very little explanation regarding how to setup and/or control the background layer for this module. 


In my application I wish to simply overlay one or more images onto a black background and I need to be able to dynamically specify the size of the background image. I see x/y offsets and enable fields for four layers in the Mixer II register set but I do not see any registers related to the background layer. Is the size of the background layer fixed at compile time? What am I missing here? 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Yes, the background layer should be fixed during compile time. What you can change during run time is the foreground layer setting.

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Honored Contributor II

It appears that with the release of Quartus Prime 15.1 Altera has added height and width registers to the Mixer II, allowing the background image size to be dynamically changed. This should make the Mixer II a viable option for multi-format designs, where before it was limited to a single resolution that was set at compile time. Good move, Altera. 


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