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6446 Discussions

Xray image enhancement using VIP suites

Honored Contributor II

I did a Xray image sharpening design using VIP library in DSP Builder. It works for v6.0 IPs and tools. Haven't got a chance to try their v6.1 tools. 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

here are the files...

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Honored Contributor II

Hi nemo! 


Glad to see other DSP Builder on the forum.  


Awesome design. Although I got a couple (potentially dumb) questions for you: 

1. Why do you need a FIFO between Laplacian and gamma corrector block? (Also how did you determine the sizes of them?) 

2. Why are there multiple image source blocks? Seems like they are inputting the same image...
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Honored Contributor II

1. The gradient calculation path is slower than the Laplacian calculation, so a frame buffer is needed. However the size of the FIFO can be estimated from the latency of the 2DFIR and should be much smaller than one frame. I used a FIFO that can buffer the entire frame, which is not optimal. 


2. The Laplacian path and Gradient path access source data at different throughput due to AST backpressure. The Gradient path sees more backpressure and pauses more. I guess in HW there has to be another frame buffer at the source for these two different paths. To simplify in the simulation, I just used two different sources.
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