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6542 Discussions

tse 10/100 small MAC mii to rmii PHY

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone! 


I use a custom altera board (cyclone III) and a 10/100 phy with rmii (the hardware team didn't connect signals for mii). 

I use the TSE MAC as a 10/100 small MAC and its connection to the phy shall be mii! 


I know that mii transmits by every (25MHz) rising edge the nibble. 

rmii transmits by every 50MHz rising edge the half of the nibble. 

so a mii_to_rmii converter only changes from "single data rate" to "double data rate" - am I right? 


what should I do with the mii signals (tx_en, tx_err, rx_en, rx_err) and the rmii signals (CRS_DV, ...). 


has anyone already worked on such a converter, and can give me some hints!  

BTW I want to write it in vhdl 


thank you in advance - have a nice day !!! 

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