FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6270 Discussions

10M50DAF672I7G supports 1.0V IO Voltage or not


We are planning to use "10M50DAF672I7G" device on of the prototyping platform. We are looking for 1.0V IO voltage support.


Based on  


device Supports 1.0V.


But when we tried to synthesize, Quartus tool throwed error


r saying that 1.0V IO is not supported.

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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II
Seems to work in 22.1
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Yes, may I know if you can try to use in the latest version of Quartus Prime?

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we are yet to tryout with latest version.

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Tried with Quartus Prime Version 22.1 Std.

Error gone away but seeing a critical warning.

we are planning to use 4 Bank's of the FPGA,  IO's expected to toggle at @100Mhz.


Any suggestions regarding this warning message.




Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AD20 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.506000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AE17 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.165000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AD18 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 7.550000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AC18 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.191000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AE20 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.396000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AE21 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 9.784000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AB24 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.030000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AF24 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 7.457000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AF23 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 9.775000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AF21 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.277000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin K25 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.480000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin J25 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 7.596000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin L26 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.160000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin N26 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 7.652000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin P26 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 9.638000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin P25 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.067000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin Y25 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 10.421000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin Y26 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 8.377000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AC25 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 9.931000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.
Critical Warning (21688): The total mutual inductance (Lm) of 1.0 V I/O pin AC24 with surrounding 1.0 V I/O pins is 9.728000 nH. This is not allowed. The total mutual inductance must be less than or equal to 7.41 nH.

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Honored Contributor II
mutual inductance spec for 1.0 V IO standard is explained in MAX10 General Purpose I/O User Guide. General suggestion to reduce total mutual inductance: leave unused pins in 1.0V bank.
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