FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6263 Discussions

Altera Cyclone V development board FPGA problem (error code:-4)

Honored Contributor II

I am working on the Altera Cyclone V Development board (revision D).  

It seems that the FPGA image is not loaded after power up. I found following lines in the uboot bootlog: 


reading soc_system.rbf 

7007184 bytes read in 2368 ms (2.8 MiB/s) 

altera_load: Failed with error code -4 


My board switch and jumper settings are listed as below: 


SW1 All OFF 

SW2 All OFF 

SW3 1:ON 2:ON 3:ON 4:ON 5:ON 6:ON 

SW4 1:OFF 2:OFF 3:ON 4:ON 


J5 open 

J6 shorted 

J7 shorted 

J9 open 

J13 shorted 

J16 open 

J26 right shorted 

J27 right shorted 

J28 right shorted 

J29 right shorted 

J30 left shorted 

J31 shorted 



Please help
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2 Replies

I had the same problem. The reason was the wrong setting in the "Convert Prorgamming File" tool. When you add the SOF file, select the file, then click on "Properties" bottom right. Then click on "Compression". This is how it looks like in Quartus Prime 18.1.:



You also need to set the "Mode" to "Passive Parallel x16". Then save the soc_system.rbf file to the FAT partition on the SD card and u-boot can load it.

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Thanks for the solution provided @FBuss2​ . Have been searching this error code for a while. I wish to add on something, the "Mode" is set according to the MSEL pin u set on the DE1-SoC board. You can refer to the table below, the table can be found in DE1-SoC User Manual provided by Terasic, section 3.1 Settings of FPGA Configuration Mode. table.PNG

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