FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
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Bemicro Cyclone III(not SDK) and EPCS16 problems...

Honored Contributor II



I'm using the 'original' Bemicro kit (not the SDK kit) for a simple project implemented with a state machine in VHDL, so no Nios and no SOPC builder I've never used those. I've been using Quartus II 9.1sp2.  


This Bemicro kit uses a Cyclone III and comes without a configuration device for storing a design after power down, but allows you to mount a config. device (EPCS16) and perform a simple cut/jumper to implement Active Serial programming. (what the cut/jumper does is set the MSEL[2..0] lines from '000' to '010'). I've checked continuity with things along with looking at the configuration documentation and the hardware looks correct to me. 


I am able to use JTAG mode to program the cyclone III, however I cannot detect the EPCS16. Thru many hours of searching, I'm thinking my problem may(??) lie with implementing - or I should say lack of implementing - a configuration controller in my Quartus design??? 


On these forums I once ran across a thread where someone mentioned (had a picture showing) instantiating 4 simple i/o ports (?) with, if I remember correctly, data0, data1, dclk, &nce. All they mentioned/showed were those 4 ports. I also found an old Altera app note describing changing these 'dual purpose pins' to regular i/o in teh assignment editor and then connecting data0, data1, dclk, &nce to the "epcs configuration controller". I have not been able to find an "epcs configuration controller" anywhere in the libraries, but did find a 'altserial_flash_loader'. 


I tried compiling the design without implementing the 'altserial_flash_loader', just the i/o ports, and it compiled the design just fine. I could program with JTAG, but I could never detect the EPCS16. I tried again with the 'altserial_flash_loader', connecting the 4 lines mentioned above, but ther are additional line on the 'altserial_flash_loader' which apparently need to be connected and it won't compile. 


Thru my hours of searching, I also noted comments on having to prpgram the CycloneII device with JTAG (I assume to implement the EPCS controller) before being able to detect/program the SPCS device. I tried this in my version without the 'altserial_flash_loader' to no avail (still couldn't see the EPCS16). 


Any help with what I need to do to get this going would be greatly appreciated. I'm pulling my hair out at this point and there's not much left for that... :)
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

There are two simple ways to load the SFL IP to your FPGA to access the serial flash through indirect JTAG programming. 

- load the default factory image shipped with Quartus sfl_ep3c16.sof 

- instantiate the SFL IP in your design after generating the code in MegaWizard  

sfl_inst : sfl PORT MAP ( noe_in => '0' ); 


You additionally need to convert the configuration stream to *.jic with the Quartus conversion tool.
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Honored Contributor II

Thanks FvM. For some reason I started to get fatal errors (i.e. Quartus would crash) using SP2, so I did a bunch of un-installing and re-installing, trial and error, and settled on 9.1 with no service packs. I was then at the point where I could compile wiht no issues and program thru JTAG, but not still not see the EPCS. 


I instantiated the SFL thru the Megawizard and was given the choice to disable the ASMI features, and in doing so resulted in a top level block with just the noe_in input. I tied this low, tried to compile and got an error about the programming pins being used twice (yeah!) so deleted those io ports I had added, recompiled and viola! 


I converted the .sof to a .jif, programmed the cycloneIII first using the .sof, then auto-detected the chain and low and behold it saw the EPCS(!), so added the appropriate programming files, reprogrammed, and am now able to boot form the EPCS device. 


I read thru a bunch of Altera documents as well as did hours of searching on teh web. Is this documented anywhere? 


Thanks again!!!
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Honored Contributor II

I'm using the indirect JTAG programming option since many years, so I didn't watch out for the recent documentation. But I think an 370 using the serial flashloader with the quartus ii software is the suggested reading.

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