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6234 Discussions

Clarification on Features in MAX10 Compact Devices

I have some questions about the availability and functionality of certain features in MAX10 compact devices compared to the standard (non-compact) MAX10 devices. I would appreciate any clarifications on the following:

1. On-Chip Flash Intel FPGA IP Core: Is this IP core available in compact MAX10 devices as it is in the non-compact versions? Specifically, will I be able to read, erase, and program both the User Flash Memory (UFM) and Configuration Flash Memory (CFM) using this IP? Additionally, does it support non-default flash initialization?

2. Design Security Features: Are design security features, supported in compact MAX10 devices?

3. Additional Feature Activation: Is there a way to enable features like remote system upgrade and memory initialization in the compact MAX10 devices?

Thank you very much for your assistance!
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2 Replies

Hi RonSegev,


Please find the answers to your questions below:


1. On-Chip Flash Intel FPGA IP Core: Is this IP core available in compact MAX10 devices as it is in the non-compact versions? Specifically, will I be able to read, erase, and program both the User Flash Memory (UFM) and Configuration Flash Memory (CFM) using this IP? Additionally, does it support non-default flash initialization?

<Answer> You can check more detailed information at On-Chip Flash Core Documentation. Refer to the support table for further details.




2. Design Security Features: Are design security features supported in compact MAX10 devices?

<Answer> Refer to Section 2.2.2: Configuration Design Security in the Configuration Design Security Documentation.


3. Additional Feature Activation: Is there a way to enable features like remote system upgrade and memory initialization in the compact MAX10 devices?

<Answer> Refer to Section 2.2.1: Remote System Upgrade in the Configuration Design Security Documentation.


Let me know if you need further clarification.


Best regards,



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