FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
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Code for HC-06 works on ModelSim but not on DE2-115 Board


Hi, I'm a student working on my project. I managed to write up a simple code for the HC-06 bluetooth module and it works fine. The code is shown below. The input by the bluetooth module is sent to the board via the GPIO and I displayed my received data output through the LEDs on the board. For this part, the code works fine and the board was able to display the 8 bit serial code transmitted from the bluetooth module.


module FYP (clk,Rx,RxData/*,forward,backward,turnL,turnR*/);   input clk,Rx; //output forward,backward,turnL,turnR; output [7:0] RxData;   reg Tick; reg [11:0] Baud_counter = 0; reg [7:0] RxData = 0; //reg forward,backward,turnL,turnR;   always @(posedge clk) //setting tick at 16 times of Baud Rate 9600 if (Baud_counter<325) begin Baud_counter <= Baud_counter + 1'b1; Tick <= 0; end else begin Baud_counter <= 0; Tick <= 1'b1; end   reg RxDone = 0; reg RxEn = 0; reg IDLE = 0; reg READ = 1; reg State = 0;   always @((Rx) or (RxDone)) case (State) IDLE: if (Rx==0) begin State <= READ; end else begin State <= IDLE; end READ: if (RxDone==1) begin State <= IDLE; end else begin State <= READ; end default: State <= IDLE; endcase always @(State) case (State) READ: RxEn <= 1'b1; IDLE: RxEn <= 1'b0; default: RxEn <= 1'b0; endcase   reg [4:0] start_counter = 0; reg ReadEn = 0;     always @(Tick) if (RxEn==1) begin if (start_counter<8) begin start_counter <= start_counter + 1'b1; ReadEn <= 0; end else begin if (RxDone==1) begin start_counter <= 0; ReadEn <= 0; end else begin start_counter <= start_counter; ReadEn <= 1'b1; end end end else begin start_counter <= 0; ReadEn <= 0; end   reg [4:0] counter = 0; reg [4:0] Bit = 0; reg [7:0] Rx_Data; reg Rx_Done = 0;   always @(posedge Tick) if (ReadEn==1) begin if (Bit<8) begin if (counter<16) begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; Rx_Done <= 0; Bit <= Bit; end else begin counter <= 0; Rx_Done <= 0; Rx_Data <= {Rx,Rx_Data[7:1]}; Bit <= Bit + 1'b1; end end else begin counter <= 0; Bit <= 0; Rx_Done <= 1; end end else begin counter <= 0; Bit <= 0; Rx_Done <= 1'b0; end   reg holdSTATE = 0; reg HOLD = 1; reg RELEASE = 0; reg [4:0] holdCounter = 0; reg holdDone = 0; reg holdEn = 0;   always @(Rx_Done or holdDone) case (holdSTATE) RELEASE: if(Rx_Done==1) begin holdSTATE <= HOLD; end else begin holdSTATE <= RELEASE; end HOLD: if(holdDone==1) begin holdSTATE <= RELEASE; end else begin holdSTATE <= HOLD; end endcase   always @(holdSTATE) case (holdSTATE) RELEASE: holdEn <= 1'b0; HOLD: holdEn <= 1'b1; default: holdEn <= 1'b0; endcase   always @(posedge Tick) if (holdEn==1) begin if(holdCounter<10) begin holdCounter <= holdCounter + 1'b1; RxDone <= 1'b1; holdDone <= 0; end else begin holdCounter <= 0; RxDone <= 0; holdDone <= 1'b1; end end else begin holdCounter <= 0; holdDone <= 0; RxDone <= 0; end   always @(posedge Tick) if(RxDone==1) begin RxData = Rx_Data; end else begin RxData = RxData; end endmodule

But when I add in the always block below to extract the data for further analysis and displays the output with another 4 LEDs, the LEDs on the board goes crazy and it even messed with the previous code. When I cross checked my code by creating a simulation of the HC-06 bluetooth module on ModelSim, the code works fine and I got the result that i wanted.


always @* if (RxData==8'b01000110) begin forward <= 1; backward <= 0; turnL <= 0; turnR <= 0; end else begin forward <= 0; backward <= 0; turnL <= 0; turnR <= 0; end

I asked and showed my lecturer the codes and the simulation, I was told that usually if my simulation work, the code should also work when I upload it on the board and display the results on the LEDs.


Has anyone encountered a problem like this before? And can anyone help me in solving this issue?



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4 Replies
Valued Contributor II

From the datasheet of the HC06 Bluetooth device, it looks like the Tx and Rx ports are UART compatible ports. In this case, I would suggest you interface these ports to an UART in the FPGA. There are simple UART implementations that you can get on the internet or from the Intel FPGA IP in Quartus. This would simplify the data transfer between the HC06 device and FPGA.


Looking at your code, there are a lot of issues, lots of latch-inference is taking place and this is not good for RTL/FPGA design. We try not to infer latches as much as possible since it would result in timing issues. I would suggest you use a reset signal to set the Flops in the design to a known state. Also make sure you are encoding and designing the FSM correctly so as to not infer latches and unwanted logic.

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Valued Contributor II

I manged to modify your code and eliminate some of the latch inferences as well as other issues. But I'm not sure if it would work, ie, functionally correct. The rest is upto you.. correct the functionality while sticking to the same coding guide.. for FSMs etc. Check with the simulation and see if it works.. As stated earlier, the HC-06 has a UART interface it would be easier to implement a UART and communicate with it.


module FYP ( input wire clk, input wire rst, input wire Rx, output reg [7:0] RxData ); reg Tick; reg [11:0] Baud_counter; reg RxDone; reg RxEn; reg [4:0] start_counter; reg ReadEn; reg [4:0] counter; reg [4:0] Bit; reg [7:0] Rx_Data; reg Rx_Done; reg [4:0] holdCounter; reg holdDone; reg holdEn;   //State variables for FSM reg [1:0] State; parameter IDLE = 0, READ = 1; reg [1:0] holdSTATE; parameter HOLD = 0, RELEASE = 1; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin //setting tick at 16 times of Baud Rate 9600 if (!rst) begin Baud_counter <= 11'b0; Tick <= 1'b0; end else begin if (Baud_counter < 325) begin Baud_counter <= Baud_counter + 1'b1; Tick <= 1'b0; end else begin Baud_counter <= 11'b0; Tick <= 1'b1; end end // else end//always always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) begin start_counter <= 5'b0; ReadEn <= 1'b0; end else begin if (RxEn == 1'b1 && start_counter < 8 ) begin start_counter <= start_counter + 1'b1; ReadEn <= 1'b0; end else begin if (RxDone == 1'b1) begin start_counter <= 5'b0; ReadEn <= 1'b0; end else begin start_counter <= start_counter; ReadEn <= 1'b1; end end end end//always always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) begin State <= IDLE; end else begin case (State) IDLE: if (Rx==0) State <= READ; else State <= IDLE; READ: if (RxDone==1) State <= IDLE; else State <= READ; default: State <= IDLE; endcase end //else end //always     always@(State) begin case (State) READ: RxEn <= 1'b1; IDLE: RxEn <= 1'b0; default: RxEn <= 1'b0; endcase end //always   always @(posedge Tick or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) begin counter <= 0; Rx_Done <= 1'b0; Bit <= 1'b0; Rx_Data <= 8'b0; end else begin if (ReadEn==1) begin if (Bit<8) begin if (counter<16) begin counter <= counter + 1'b1; Rx_Done <= 0; Bit <= Bit; end else begin counter <= 0; Rx_Done <= 0; Rx_Data <= {Rx,Rx_Data[7:1]}; Bit <= Bit + 1'b1; end //(counter<16) end //(Bit <8) else begin counter <= 0; Bit <= 0; Rx_Done <= 1; end end //(ReadEn) end end   always@(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (!rst) holdSTATE <= RELEASE; else begin case (holdSTATE) RELEASE: if(Rx_Done==1) holdSTATE <= HOLD; else holdSTATE <= RELEASE; HOLD : if(holdDone==1) holdSTATE <= RELEASE; else holdSTATE <= HOLD; default: holdSTATE <= RELEASE; endcase end end //always   always @(holdSTATE) begin case (holdSTATE) RELEASE: holdEn <= 1'b0; HOLD : holdEn <= 1'b1; default : holdEn <= 1'b0; endcase end //always   always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) begin holdCounter <= 0; holdDone <= 0; RxDone <= 0; end else begin if (holdEn==1 && holdCounter<10) begin holdCounter <= holdCounter + 1'b1; RxDone <= 1'b1; holdDone <= 0; end else begin holdCounter <= 0; RxDone <= 0; holdDone <= 1'b1; end end end //always   always @(posedge Tick) begin if(RxDone==1) RxData = Rx_Data; else RxData = RxData; end endmodule



Thanks for the help. I'll try out the code and work on improving the FSM.

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Thanks Abraham for the help
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