FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

DE1 Tutorials Needed

Honored Contributor II



The DE1 Development kit that I received had out of data Quartus II and DE1 System software. I have downloaded the current Quartus II software and it seems to run O.K. However, the DE1 Tutorials from Both the included CD and web site are out of data. 


I have not been able to complete the tutorial on using the Altera product with the schematic editor. The tutorial describes a "pin assignment editor" that does not behave like the "new" one and I'm not able to continue in the tutorial. 


I am just starting out, learning at home, about the Altera Cyclone II product, and I would benifit from some basic tutorial info that is current for the product I purchased.  


Is there a tutorial for a schematic entry for a beginner ? 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I found an up to date tutorial on the Altera web site that is current for the latest Software. 


I strongly suggest that the vendors update the DE1 system CD's that are sent out so that other new users will not have problems. 



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Honored Contributor II

Resurrecting an old thread (and my first post), Marc didn't provide any links, but I'll assume these (I had to add spaces, as I'm not allowed to post links): 




www . altera . com /education/univ/materials/comp_org/tutorials/unv-tutorials.html 


These tutorials are probably what he found. They get you started with a simple schematic capture or a Verilog example. They're a nice start. Once you've done these, your education begins. 




www . altera . com /education/univ/materials/comp_org/labs/unv-labs.html 


Well, there's the labs. I started lab 1, but it's requesting things I don't know the syntax to, and there appears to be marginal accompanying educational material. In addition, since I'm not in University, I can't get answers to those labs. Ugh! 



www . altera . com /education/training/courses/OHDL1120 


Then there's the starter Verilog course called OHDL1120. There's good material in there, however I'd like to see a gradual build-up of concepts along with a review/quiz/lab at the end of various sections. For instance, section 21 talks about instantiations with half adders. By now we should have already gone through a few examples of basic combinatorial logic and wires, but that didn't happen. Then it covers numbers and operators in great depth, without a single example I can try on the devkit. In summary, this course was pretty close to just being a reference manual as opposed to a set of tutorials. 





I would have to say that Altera's free educational material is not very good for beginning self-study types like myself. I want educational materials with plenty of real world examples spread throughout. As an example, the book 'Digital Design and Computer Architecture' by Harris(es) has just that. Altera doesn't.
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