FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
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DE2-115 complete beginners question

Honored Contributor II


I am completely new to FPGAs but I am lucky enough to have been given a DE2-115 

I know its a big learning curve but being retired I have plenty of time , but I cant even get started to try it out because 

unfortunately the box is missing the system disk so I went online to see what I can download for the board. 


I downloaded the user manual but was then stuck  

I can download the  

Control panel 

System Builder 

System CD 

but which one , on line I can find lots of versions especially of the system CD 


Eventualy on the Altera products, DE2-115 product page I clicked the resources tab and that gave me a narrower field to choose from 


just one Control Panel 

One Systembuilder 

but still to System CDs 


one is  

DE2-115 CD-ROM (Cypress USB) of which there are then 4 versions  

the other 



Which one do I need ? or do I need both ? 



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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

This is the official Terasic resource web page: 




You need the appropriate CD-ROM according to which USB device your board has. The manual should help you find this.
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Honored Contributor II

I think you have to download from the Altera website: 

1) Quartus (web editon) free 

2) Modelsim Altera Starter edition (free) 

3) In the installation directory of Quartus youll' find the 'USB blaster' drivers.  


This is all you need to design a circuit and download it on the FPGA board. 


P.S. You also need the knoledge of a language such as VHDL or Verilog. This is not a must since you can also design using the schematic design (similar to Spice) but it becomes immediately very cumbersome as the design complexity increases.
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Honored Contributor II

Hi Thank you for your reply , however its a bit of a vicious circle  


you said to choose the CD rom according to which usb device my board has , and to determine this device from the user manual  

Unfortunately the manual is on the CD rom . so depending on which CD I decide to download I guess will give me a different answer as to which USB I have  


I have now written to Terasic support quoting the serial number of my board hoping they can give me an answer from that 


but thanks for the help 






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This is the official Terasic resource web page: 




You need the appropriate CD-ROM according to which USB device your board has. The manual should help you find this. 

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Honored Contributor II

Thanks nplttr 


I will start downloading and installing them now  


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Honored Contributor II

I wrote to Terasic in the end  


They tell me that my board ( from the serial number ) uses the NXP USB but that this will not work with windows 7 only XP 

They also said that the Cypress USB only works on windows 7 in 32 bit not 64 bit  


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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  


They tell me that my board ( from the serial number ) uses the NXP USB but that this will not work with windows 7 only XP 

They also said that the Cypress USB only works on windows 7 in 32 bit not 64 bit  


--- Quote End ---  


I think you can ignore the advice about functionality under Windows for the moment. The board has a USB device attached to the FPGA that you can use for communication with your design. I've never bothered to use it. 


The board also has an on-board USB-Blaster, and that does work under Windows just fine. 


If Terasic has changed the USB controller, then they've likely changed the pin assignments on the board, but probably only in a few places. You'll want to make sure you download the schematic for the board revision you own, and determine the pin assignments from that. Do *not* simply use an example design you find on the web! (Including any from Terasic, without first reviewing it!) 



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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Dave  


Yes I found that the USB Blaster works fine and I doubt I will need any other usb connectivity for some time , as I  

have only been playing with FPGA's for about 8 hours ( got my DE2-115 yesterday)
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