FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

DS-5 AE license


Hi KhaiY,


There is a customer letter with Arm license serial number.  After i registered my development board, i visit https://silver.arm.com/licensing/generate.tm to activate the license (with the given Arm license serial number from the customer letter. However, i received the message:

"That serial number is registered to another account. If you require further assistance, please contact license.support@arm.com."

 What should i do now?

i emailed to license.support@arm.com as the message but i have not received any replies.


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1 Reply

Hi KNguy80,

i just hat a similar issue: Arria 10 DevKit had been sitting for a while an when i finally got to use it i found the same message saying the license was already registered for someone else.
However, the ARM support answered very quickly: when upgrading from ARM DS-5 Suite to newer versions, a pool of then inactive (or not yet activated) licenses was traded in between Intel and ARM and the licenses where deactivated.
ARM support suggested to "contact the person who supplied you with this license at Intel, as they should be aware of what true end license serial number you should be using."


Since the license came in the box with the DevKit i have no direct contact to talk to and the Intel support could not answer my request but directed me to this forum.


> What should i do now?


Kind regards

Marc Haselhoff


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