FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

Data from FPGA to host

Honored Contributor II


I have a DE0-nano board and I compute data (only 4 bits generated at about 10MHz) and I'd like to communicate it to the host cpu through the USB-blaster so programs could read it. I've read this (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=32354) and there's instructive information but it's a bit old and maybe there exist other ways. 

I thought about a FIFO that would be written by the FPGA then read by the host through the USB link. Is it possible? Have I to use a virtual JTAG component? 

Thanks for your help.
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85 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I believe you want the JTAG UART core on the FPGA end and software from Altera that talks to the NIOS on the PC end. 


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Honored Contributor II


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I have a DE0-nano board and I compute data (only 4 bits generated at about 10MHz) and I'd like to communicate it to the host cpu through the USB-blaster so programs could read it. I've read this and there's instructive information but it's a bit old and maybe there exist other ways. 


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In addition to the JTAG UART, those are still the only ways you can transfer data :) 




I haven't used the JTAG UART, but I think it suffers from the same problem the other interfaces do; no easy way to access the UART from user-provided software, eg., the JTAG UART does not show up as a COM port. 



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I thought about a FIFO that would be written by the FPGA then read by the host through the USB link. Is it possible? Have I to use a virtual JTAG component? 


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The problem is, that the USB interface is not a general purpose USB interface. Its a USB-Blaster and it is "owned" by Quartus and jtagd. You can access it using FTDI's D2XX DLLs directly, but I'm not sure whether that "plays nicely" if you also happen to be using Altera's tools at the same time. The Wiki tutorial contains code for accessing the JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge via Altera's tools, and that is pretty much the only safe way to access the board via JTAG. 


It would be nice if Altera would publish their jtagd protocol, as then you'd be able to write sockets code to interact with jtagd, which would in turn interact with the JTAG interface on the FPGA (in a multi-process safe manner, since all communications is via jtagd). 


You could just buy an FTDI C232H cable and communicate with the board via that method. 



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Honored Contributor II

Thanks Dave. 

I will carefully read everything... 

What I wonder is if it's easy to pass data from the console to the host programs (other than Altera) or maybe I should run them in the console. Is it possible? How? 

And as I don't care a communication from the host to the design (only from the design to the host), can't I use a simpler way of doing it?
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Honored Contributor II


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What I wonder is if it's easy to pass data from the console to the host programs (other than Altera) 


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Altera do not provide a simple method for user-coded software to interface to their USB-Blaster components, i.e., what you would like is a shared library you could call into that would play nicely with simultaneous operation of SystemConsole, SignalTap II, and other Quartus software. 



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or maybe I should run them in the console. Is it possible? How? And as I don't care a communication from the host to the design (only from the design to the host), can't I use a simpler way of doing it? 

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The solutions I show in the tutorial above involve running a server in SystemConsole, and then using a TCP/IP connection from your custom code. 


If you do not care about running Altera's software in parallel with your code, you can use the FTDI driver to access the USB-Blaster directly. Although that involves decoding Altera's custom (and undocumented) protocols. 



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Honored Contributor II


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(only 4 bits generated at about 10MHz) 


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For what it's worth, you might get to your end goal faster (cheaper) by using something like FTDI UM232H module if your DE0-nano header pins aren't already used up. 

Configured for parallel FIFO operation, there should be ample throughput to sustain the 40Mbps you're generating. 



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Honored Contributor II


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... you might get to your end goal faster (cheaper) by using something like FTDI UM232H module if your DE0-nano header pins aren't already used up. 


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Here are performance measurements ... 





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Honored Contributor II

Sorry I didn't answer rapidly: I was away then my computer had to be reinstalled by my company (quite long). 

I'm not sure os the next step: I could buy a FTDI C232H cable or try and use the virtual JTAG component. I'm not very found of understanding software questions so the first one seems a better choice. 

Could you explain what I would need to do in both cases? 

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Honored Contributor II


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Could you explain what I would need to do in both cases? 


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First you need to clearly define what it is you are trying to do. From that we can understand the data rate you need between the FPGA and your PC. That will determine which option is suitable for your application. 



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Honored Contributor II

I need to transfer some words (4 bits for now) at about 10MHz from the FPGA to the host so it can be treated by software application.

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Honored Contributor II


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I need to transfer some words (4 bits for now) at about 10MHz from the FPGA to the host so it can be treated by software application. 

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Right, that is what you stated above, however that is a data rate of 40Mbps, which far exceeds the capabilities of the DE0-nano JTAG interface, or of any UART interface you connect to I/O pins. A faster parallel interface would likely be needed. 


So, take a step back, and explain "what" it is you are trying to do. What is this 40Mbps data stream? Is it continuous, or are snapshots acceptable? Could it be processed or minimally pre-processed on the FPGA to reduce the data rate over the link? 


Or, why use a DE0-nano, why not use a board in a PCIe slot, and use the PCIe bus bandwidth? 



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Honored Contributor II

Sorry, I've typed something wrong. It's not MHz but kHz. What is the maximum data rate I can use? 


I can't explain everything but I get data from another device and the design uses it to compute a 4-bit word and my computer has to use it for a software computation. 


I don't use a PCIe slot because it's a laptop and I only have access to USB.
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Honored Contributor II


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Sorry, I've typed something wrong. It's not MHz but kHz. What is the maximum data rate I can use? 


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The USB-Blaster JTAG interface operates with a 6MHz clock, and it takes about 10 clocks per byte, so the maximum data rate is 600kBytes/s or 4.8Mbps. 


See the performance analysis here; 



Your data rate of 40kbits/s can be implemented using the JTAG interface. 


The initial responses at the beginning of this thread have already provided an answer to your question. You can use the JTAG UART or the JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge. 


Go and take a look at the DE0-nano SDRAM example in this thread; 




The design includes a Qsys system and Tcl commands to access the board. The SystemConsole master_read_memory and master_write_memory are the most efficient commands for transferring blocks of data. 



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Honored Contributor II

OµµµµµµµµµµK, I'll read it next week because it's friday night there and I stop working and won't be there for the week-end. I'll let you know what I don't understand.

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Honored Contributor II
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Honored Contributor II
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Honored Contributor II


I tried to post something but it doesn't appear, maybe because of an attached file. 

So I tried the sdram tutorial on http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=45927 

but my console tells: 

Writing to 256 SDRAM locations 

Error:invalid command name "get_service_paths" 

Error: while executing 

Error:"unknown_original get_service_paths master" 

Error: ("eval" body line 1) 

Error: invoked from within 

Error:"eval unknown_original $cmd $args" 

Error: (procedure "::unknown" line 7) 

Error: invoked from within 

Error:"get_service_paths master" 

Error: (procedure "jtag_open" line 9) 

Error: invoked from within 


Error: (procedure "jtag_write" line 7) 

Error: invoked from within 

Error:"jtag_write $addr $data" 

Error: ("uplevel" body line 4) 

Error: invoked from within 

Error:"uplevel 1 $cmd" 

Error: invoked from within 

Error:"for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { 

Error: set addr [expr {4*$i}] 

Error: set data [expr {0x12340000 + $i}] 

Error: jtag_write $addr $data 

Error: }" 

Error: (procedure "sdram_test" line 4) 

Error: invoked from within 



and I don't know what I should do. 

Do you understand the error?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

The moderation policy is making it impossible for me to post. I've tried the sdram tutorial but I've got tcl errors that I don't understand. I'll try...

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Honored Contributor II


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The moderation policy is making it impossible for me to post. I've tried the sdram tutorial but I've got tcl errors that I don't understand. I'll try... 

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You posted this text, so you could have posted your Tcl errors :) 


What version of Quartus were you trying to use, and what operating system? I can re-run the script and check it works. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I tried first to post the log as an attached file but impossible. 

Then I copied the text but impossible. 

So I only posted the first error. 


It's version 13.1.0 on Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise edition.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I tried first to post the log as an attached file but impossible. 

Then I copied the text but impossible. 

So I only posted the first error. 


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But you didn't post any details on the error, just that you had one, so its a bit hard to help :) 



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It's version 13.1.0 on Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise edition. 

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Ok, I have 13.1 on a Win7 machine, here's a copy of the Quartus Tcl console log showing no errors; 


tcl> cd {C:\Temp\de0_nano_sdram} tcl> source scripts/synth.tcl Synthesizing the DE0-nano 'sdram' design ---------------------------------------- - Quartus Version 13.1.4 Build 182 03/12/2014 SJ Full Version - Creating the Quartus work directory * C:/Temp/de0_nano_sdram/qwork - Create the project 'de0_nano' * create a new de0_nano project - Applying constraints - Creating the VHDL files list - Generate the Qsys system * creating the Qsys file in the work directory * Tcl-to-Qsys generation for Quartus version 13.1 * generating the Qsys system (please wait) - Processing the design - Processing completed  


If you're still having trouble, just email me directly (at my forum name). 



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