FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6087 Discussions

How i do to blink a led with the gpio port.

Honored Contributor II


im cuban and my internet conexion sucks (6kb/s speed) but im trying to finish a project but im stuck. 

im triying to do that a withe led strip (12v) blink like a binary counter, its 6 seccion of these strip, so i use the my_first_fpga project for altera and change the pin assigment from the led pins to the gpio port pins i need, but dosent work. i tried to search some documentation but dosent help. 

i already mount the mosfets and when its not running the program the DE0 NANO CYCLONE IV give the 1.3 volts i need, but when the program run give only 0.6 and do nothing. 

please i be very gratefull if someone helpme. 

i know its a basic question but i need to implement these for a thesis project and i just cant do it.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Are you sure the IO can deliver the current needed to "switch" the FETs?

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Honored Contributor II


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Are you sure the IO can deliver the current needed to "switch" the FETs? 

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thanks for answer dude, im new in this forum and i aprieciate you take the time to answer. that day i saw a person that askme if the ide strip i was using came with the board and when i probe with out the strip the project work perfect.  

thanks again for care
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