FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6266 Discussions

Max V - Windows 10 - Board Test System --> Does not run

Honored Contributor II

Just purchased a Max V development kit (Oct 2016). 

I'm running Windows 10 Home Edition on a 64 bit ASUS PC.  


I have been unable to run the BTS.  


1. I installed the Quartus Prime Lite -- (This program seems to at least start ok) 

2. I installed the development kit -- maxv_5m570z_cpld_v10.1.0 (placed in the same directory as quartus prime lite). 

3. I installed the USB-blaster cable driver (It now shows up as "Altera USB-Blaster in the USB controllers list under Device Manager) 

3b. Disconnecting the cable causes the device to disappear and it re-appears when the cable is plugged back in.  

4. My Altera V board shows the blue LED and the two green LEDs so seems to be recognized by the PC.  

5. I have attempted to run BTS using different compatibility modes but also with no success. 



I'd really like to be able to use the BTS to help me get started with my CPLD work. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Sometimes the BTS is very picky when it comes to the Quartus version installed. I saw on the webpage that there are 3 versions available (10.1, 11.0, 11.1). Try installing the Quartus version that correspond to the installation kit that you downloaded.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Sometimes the BTS is very picky when it comes to the Quartus version installed. I saw on the webpage that there are 3 versions available (10.1, 11.0, 11.1). Try installing the Quartus version that correspond to the installation kit that you downloaded. 

--- Quote End ---  



Now that is something I would never have thought to try and didn't even notice the options were available on the download page.  

SO I uninstalled quartus 16 and installed quartus 10.1SP1 and now everything works like a champ.  

I hope Altera will add a note to its installation directions for the development kit.  


Thanks to sunshine.
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Honored Contributor II

Glad to be able to help :)

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