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Q about ARM Cortex-M1 IP Core and Cyclone III

Honored Contributor II

Hello everyone. 


I'm a newbie when it comes to working with FPGAs and had a question about how to run ARM Cortex-M1 (or any ARM based Processor for that matter) on an Altera FPGA. I've tried Google and searching throughout this forum for an answer but have been unsuccessful.  


I know that Altera has a FPGA development kit that has a ARM Cortex-M1 chip on-board, but I'm trying to find out what is needed in order to load an ARM IP Core onto an Altera development FPGA that just has a Cyclone III that may have Nios II. In other words, can I use an ARM IP Core with any Altera FPGA that at least has a Cyclone III or does it work with only specific FPGA kits?  


If I'm way off in my understanding of how the ARM IP Core works on FPGAs, please enlighten me or direct me to a link that may have the answers that I'm looking for. 



Enjoy your weekend!
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

There is extensive documentation on the ARM web site. Please click on the link below 




The ARM Cortex-M1 core can currently only be used with Cyclone III FPGAs. You can use any CIII dev kit. The CIII starter kit, the NEEK kit or the Arrow Low Power Reference Platform would work. 


The Cortex-M1 core is an SOPC builder component and as such can be easily integrated with other embedded peripherals to create an embedded system. Take a look at the Tutorial on the ARM web site. 


The Cortex-M1 kit can be purchased from Arrow Electronics at www.arrowdevtools.com 


update: The Cortex-M1 kit can now be evaluated as an opencore plus module. To get an evaluation license click on the link below and complete the eval form 






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Honored Contributor II

https://www.survey.arrow.com/se.ashx?s=21804374217532c6 is closed 

How can i get OpenCore Plus license for Arm Cortex-m1? 

Where can i find this? 

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