FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
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Quartus license activated using FPGA Devolepemnt kit expired in 3 months

Honored Contributor II

We purchased an Arria 10 FPGA development kit (DK-DEV-10AX115S-A-0H) in the year 2016. Using the NIC ID of the board a license file for Quartus Prime Version 17.0.0 Standard edition was generated on 29 may 2017.  

Later on 16th August 2017 we got a message saying that the license got expired and we were unable to use Quartus for generating programming files.  

As per our understanding the development kit we purchased comes with a free subscription to Quartus for the life time and maintenance support for one year from date of license generation.  


Currently we are running the software on a 30 days grace period. Please help me to have a better understanding of the issue and possible remedies at the earliest.
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6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

You need to contact the vendor who sold you the board, or submit a support request directly to Altera to get this resolved.

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Honored Contributor II


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You need to contact the vendor who sold you the board, or submit a support request directly to Altera to get this resolved. 

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My service request to Altera on this matter is open from last 2 days, I am yet to receive response from them.  


Please, if anyone has encountered this issue earlier let me know how you resolved it. We have only 22 days left before the grace period expires, waiting for response from altera is going to cost us if they are going to take their own sweet time.
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Honored Contributor II

You said you used the NIC ID of the board, not the computer where you are installing and running Quartus?

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Honored Contributor II


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You said you used the NIC ID of the board, not the computer where you are installing and running Quartus? 

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Sorry forgot to mention that. Yes license was generated for a single computer only. also below is the response from altera. 


"Hi Arjun,  


Quartus Development Kit version (SW-Quartus-DKE) license is not perpetual. It has a hard death after 12 months and can't be renewed. 


Would you consider buying a new Quartus Fix or Float? Unlike Quartus DKE, Quartus Fix and Float are perpetual as long as you stay with versions that releases prior to the maintenance expiration. 


Kindly contact Altera distributors for purchase enquiry. Their contacts can be found at http://www.altera.com/corporate/contact/sales/worldwide/con-sales-ww.jsp 


If you need any further assistance, pls let me know. 






Does anyone know when does the count down for this 12 months starts. Is it from the day license was generated or from date of purchase of the board, To be frank I am totally confused. 



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Honored Contributor II

Sorry forgot mention....Yes the license generated was fixed not floating. I am attaching a screen shot of the quartus license selection screen, please cross verify. 


also we received response from altera, saying that the license available with the board is not perpetual and sudden death will happen after 12 months. 

We got the license expired message soon after 79 days of license generation, does anyone know when does this count down of 12 months start ( is it from date of board purchase or license generation date) or is there any fault with the way we generated license file.
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Honored Contributor II

Your screenshot is too small. Contact Altera about how you created the license and see what can be done.

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