FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6270 Discussions

Spider Programming - Tripod Gait

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 

I am looking at the gait of the Terasic Spider for Forward and Backward movement and realize that the gait is very inefficient. The basic movements are there, but the outside servos (2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17) are stationary during movement causing a lot of strain on the servos because they travel in an arc. 


Other hexapods, like Phoenix for example, automate the outside servos in a manner that the foot travels in a straight line while moving forward. 


Has any looked at the code or started developing alternative code for this kit? I would love to collaborate with other interested people and help develop a more refined OS for the spider. 


Also, if you look at the CSpider.cpp code, there are other hidden features, like MoveParallelL, and MoveParallelR which are not implemented in the Android App. 


One thing that bothers me about the Programmers guide, is that the software setup is outdated. The ADT plugin for Eclipse has been superseded, and replaced with a separate Android Development Kit. I know Eclipse is a very good IDE, but it is difficult to set up a good programming environment with the current Programmers Guide. 


Any help appreciated... 


Thanks in advance =] 


UPDATE (08/15/17): 

After several days of tinkering with the MoveForward and MoveBackward gait, I have modified the code to automate the Ankle servos. The biggest problem is, is that the code executes sequentially, and wont allow for several servo movements on different axis at once. The mechanical lag in the servos gives the appearance of vectoring. This code is AS IS. Please use at your own risk... If you improve upon it, please repost your code. 


UPDATE (08/23/17): 

Improved Forward and Reverse Gait code, Added Parallel Moves to Dance Routine, Documented modified code. This software is provided "AS IS". 


Modified code attached:
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