FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6244 Discussions

Stratix V GX Development Card: Board Test System cannot detect USB Blaster

Honored Contributor II

We have a Stratix V development card (5SGXEA7K2F40C2N) and cannot get the development kit GUI (Board Test System) to detect the USB Blaster. The USB blaster interface is recognized through Quartus (able to program), and is visible using jtagconfig, but Board Test System cannot detect the USB interface. The board is behaving as expected and does not appear to have any issues. LED lights are as expected, LAN interface and LCD screen is as expected. I have double checked all DIP switches and they match factory settings from the development kit guide. The exact error message is as follows: 

Connecting to the target... 

java.lang.Exception: No USB Blaster detected. 

Please check connections and restart the program. 



I checked some of the threads, and they recommended trying different versions of the USB blaster drivers. I have tried 12.1, 11.1sp1, 12.0sp2 versions, but none have worked.  


Thanks for your help.  


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14 Replies
Honored Contributor II

If this is the onboard blaster chip, we have not had much success with it either. We have had to use an external blaster on the header pins

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Honored Contributor II


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If this is the onboard blaster chip, we have not had much success with it either. We have had to use an external blaster on the header pins 

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I'm using an external USB blaster which connects the development card JTAG header to a USB cable and then to a laptop.  


Updating to 12.1 with the most recent dp5 patch seems to have fixed my problem. Board Test System no longer complains about not detecting the USB Blaster, however, I am now getting the following error message: 


Connecting to the target... 

java.lang.Exception: Could not find device 0x029030DD 

This problem could be caused by an older version of Quartus. Please ensure Quartus 9.0 is installed.  


The GX development kit is installed in a 12.0 directory. 


Thanks for the help.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I am using the same device and I am having the same error message when using Board Test System  


Connecting to the target... 

java.lang.Exception: Could not find device 0x029030DD 

This problem could be caused by an older version of Quartus. Please ensure Quartus 9.0 is installed.  


However, I have been able of running the .sof files for BTS included in the folder "examples, board_test_system ,bts_xcvr2_xfp_sfp_sma" by running Quartus II, Programmer and loading the .sof file in the FPGA that way. The drawback is that you cannot see what is happening, you just see the eye diagram running at 12.5 GBps. 


The file I am not able to find is the one needed to tun the Board Update Portal. I was trying to load into the FPGA the Transceiver Signal Integrity Demostration that is supposed to be in the "demo" folder of StratixVGX Kit, but that folder is empty, it doesn't contain any .flash file. 


does any of you have the signal_integrity_demo1.flash file??? 




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Honored Contributor II

My guess is that this is a BTS issue and not a driver issue. 


After you plug your board in you should run the following command in a command window: 


jtagconfig --debug 


If this gives you a list of devices, and a list of the nodes within the devices then your USB-Blaster is working correctly.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



I've got the same issue with the Stratix V DSP Development Kit: 


USB Blaster is working correctly using the Quartus Programmger. 


But the "Board Test System" just shows the following error message: 


Connecting to the target... java.lang.Exception: Could not find device 0x029070DD This problem could be caused by an older version of Quartus. Please ensure Quartus 9.0 is installed.  


Starting the BTS using the command line (c:\programme\altera\quartus12.1\kits\stratixvgs_5sgsmd5kf40_dsp\examples\board_test_system>jre1.6.0_07\bin\java.exe -djava.library.path=lib -jar bts.jar) gives the following output: 

19.02.2013 16:25:12 com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SystemConsole logSevere SCHWERWIEGEND: Unable to find AJIDevice constructor java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find AJIDevice constructor at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.aji.AJICable.getDevices0(Native Method) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.aji.AJIChannel.scanDevices(AJIChannel.java:79) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.aji.AJICable.queryDevices(AJICable.java:182) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.JtagConnectionProvider.queryCableDevices(JtagConnectionProvider .java:228) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.JtagConnectionProvider.doRescan(JtagConnectionProvider.java:194 ) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.JtagConnectionProvider.access$000(JtagConnectionProvider.java:4 0) at com.altera.systemconsole.internal.plugin.jtag.JtagConnectionProvider$2$1.run(JtagConnectionProvider.java:119) 19.02.2013 16:25:12 com.altera.systemconsole.internal.core.SystemConsole logInfo INFO: Finished discovering JTAG connections 



Running "jtagconfig --debug" yields the following output: 


1) USB-BlasterII 029070DD 5SGSMD5H(1|2|3)/5SGSMD5K1/.. (IR=10) 020A40DD 5M(1270ZF324|2210Z)/EPM2210 (IR=10) Node 00406E7B (110:8)# 123 Node 00406E00 (110:8)# 0 Node 00406E01 (110:8)# 1 Captured DR after reset = (029070DD020A40DD) Captured IR after reset = (55555) Captured Bypass chain = (0)  


So the device with id "0x029070DD" is actually accesible through the jtag chain.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I "fixed" it by installing Quartus 12.0 SP2. Previously I had Quartus 12.1 installed. 

Is there any known workaround for running the "Board Test System" using Quartus 12.1 or any hint to the root cause of the error? 


- - - 


During performance tests I always get the following error message: 'java.lang.numberformatexception: for input string: "1444048,7202" '. 

Seems to be an issue with non-english locales...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

We have a Stratix V development card (5SGXEA7K2F40C2N) and cannot get the development kit GUI (Board Test System) to detect the USB Blaster. The USB blaster interface is recognized through Quartus (able to program), and is visible using jtagconfig, but Board Test System cannot detect the USB interface. The board is behaving as expected and does not appear to have any issues. LED lights are as expected, LAN interface and LCD screen is as expected. I have double checked all DIP switches and they match factory settings from the development kit guide. The exact error message is as follows: 

Connecting to the target... 

java.lang.Exception: No USB Blaster detected. 

Please check connections and restart the program. 



I checked some of the threads, and they recommended trying different versions of the USB blaster drivers. I have tried 12.1, 11.1sp1, 12.0sp2 versions, but none have worked.  


Thanks for your help.  



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Hello friend I think I have got the right thread I am searching for. My USB blaster is not working properly and I have tried several drivers like you. Were you able to sort out the problem? Please help me. Thanks in advance:)
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Hello friend I think I have got the right thread I am searching for. My USB blaster is not working properly and I have tried several drivers like you. Were you able to sort out the problem? Please help me. Thanks in advance:) 

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EXACT same issue. Stratix V GX development kit, tried jtagserver --uninstall, then --install for each 11.1sp2, 12.0, 12.0sp1, 12.0sp2, 13.0 and each return the same error as previously mentioned: not USB blaster detected (FYI, jtagserver --status verifies that the proper jtagserver was running). 


Do I need to update the USB Blaster driver for each iteration? 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



The latest Stratix V development kit installer is v12.0.0.1. I found this worked with QII v12.0 (no service packs - although I didn't try any either). 


Here are the modified steps: 

jtagserver --status needs to show that the jtagserver is being launched from the 12.0 folder 

QUARTUS_ROOTDIR environment variable needs to point to either c:\altera\12.0\quartus or c:\altera\12.0\qprogrammer (where qprogrammer is the folder used if you downloaded only the QII programmer and not the full installation) 


I tried multiple versions of the Quartus II programmer (12.0 and 13.0) and they both configured the FPGA properly. 


When I launched the BTS, the USB Blaster error disappeared and I was able to successfully load any of the configurations from the menu. 


Hope this works for you too. 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have the same problem as 


java.lang.Exception: Could not find device 0x029030DD 


This problem could be caused by an older version of Quartus. Please ensure Quartus 9.0 is installed.  



it seems that BTS has to be run at Quatus 12.0. Why altera didn't update the BTS for the new version Quatus?........
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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The latest Stratix V development kit installer is v12.0.0.1. I found this worked with QII v12.0 (no service packs - although I didn't try any either). 


Here are the modified steps: 

jtagserver --status needs to show that the jtagserver is being launched from the 12.0 folder 

QUARTUS_ROOTDIR environment variable needs to point to either c:\altera\12.0\quartus or c:\altera\12.0\qprogrammer (where qprogrammer is the folder used if you downloaded only the QII programmer and not the full installation) 


I tried multiple versions of the Quartus II programmer (12.0 and 13.0) and they both configured the FPGA properly. 


When I launched the BTS, the USB Blaster error disappeared and I was able to successfully load any of the configurations from the menu. 


Hope this works for you too. 


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Hi Terry, 

Thanks a lot , it worked for me too 


My setup was a Stratix V GS DSP Kit 

My quartus ii tool is version 14.1 


So came across this error since the Board Test System version i used is 11.1.2 . It was driving me crazy for last two days. Tried many things, all in vain. 


As per your suggestion i installed the quartus programmer v.12.0sp2 alone, without quartus ii 12 full installation. 

Changed the quartus_rootdir environment variable 


Now i am able to detect board and run all demos. 


Thanks alot
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

you can check in the dev kit webpage as well. it is stated there what version of the installer and you need to match with the Quartus version to launch the BTS. seems like BTS has a direct path to the Quartus library of a specific version.

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Honored Contributor II

I got a number of new chip 5SGXEA7K2F40C2N 

Can anyone give me details of this chip?
0 Kudos


I am using Quartus 16.1 and have problem with BoardTestSystem on arria V dev kit. I have some warning 'No JTAG cable is detected or selected'. Quartus is open, programmer already running, hardware select USB blaster II external, QUARTUS_ROOTDIR is created. But BTS after warning go to close.

What can it be?
