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Stratix V Transceiver Reconfiguration issues

Honored Contributor II



I'm using a dev kit, the transceiver signal integrity developement kit with a Stratix V Gx. I have implemented an IP with Qsys of a transceiver in 10G BASE-R configuration with an Transceiver reconfiguration controller. I've already used a ref design with Transceiver Tool Kit to find the best parameters to give to the PMA analog controls. 


The problem is : when I'm changing Pre-emphasis second post-tap setting by using register-based reconfiguration, the transceiver stop working. All the other settings work perfectly, just pre-emphasis second post-tap give issues. I was wondering if we have to respect an order of changing settings or the value as to be changed gently. When I put back the previous value, it doesn't change anything.  


Thank you in advance.
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Which ACDS release are you using? Are your design using Nios 2 to control reconfig controller? Are you using toolkit to test the analog reconfig?

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Honored Contributor II



I'm using Quartus v12.1 with the devices associated to Stratix V and Arria V. I'm not using Nios 2 but I will, I'm writing command with system console in first case. I have used the toolkit to reach best parameters. But now, with my design, the transceiver stop working when I'm changing pre-emphasis second post-tap. 


Thank you for your interest
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Honored Contributor II

And you mention before, after its malfunction, changing back the original value does not help right? 

Are you having issue with both Stratix V and Arria V?
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Honored Contributor II



I use only a Stratix V, I cannot tell if with Arria V we could have the same issue. I mention before that the devices I have installed (for Quartus v12.1) are only for Stratix V and Arria V (it's a package), but I'm not using an Arria V. 


But yesterday I've changed the parameter to another one (value just under the default one) and the Transceiver worked. When I put the value I wanted, the Transceiver stopped working and I had to reprogram the whole design (setting all the defaults values and resetting). 


Had you already have this problem ?
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Honored Contributor II

Oic, I just trying to understand your problem. 


If you cannot recover the problem after the transceiver malfunction, then it seems like the reconfiguration affect some other bits. 


Can you try one more experiment: 


When it is working, try use serial loopback and check whether it works. Transceiver toolkit allows you to turn on serial loopback easily. 


After that, when you perform reconfiguration and problem occurs, can you try to use serial loopback again?  

This can isolate whether problem is due to your analog setting or problem in the reconfiguration process
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