FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

VGA resolution - URGENT

Honored Contributor II

Hi , friends  

Then I'm working on project with a TPAD of terasic, but display of Terasic development board hasn't enough resolution to my apllication, I want to change my application to a new display with VGA input, and DE2-115 that is a controller of TPAD has a VGA output.  

I would like to know some thing: 

1) Tpad vga output support 1280x600 pixels and 1920*1440 pixels? 

2 ) Anyone has a TPADstart exemplo to quartus 11 and 12, the Nios of quartus 10 on TPAD, is too much unstable.  

3) Anyone can help me configure VGA to high resolution.  

Thanks everyone and best regards to all
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

1) The TPAD makes use of the DE2-115 development board. The VGA out will at least support 1280x600. 


2) I don't believe that the NIOS on Quartus 10 is unstable, I have been using it for a while now without problems. 


3) I know everyone here is more than willing to help. Get as far as you can, and then ask for help. Posting the code you are using and the specific problem you are having will get you answers fairly fast. If you are lacking basic knowledge on something, we will be more than willing to help you find the right book or specification that will help you understand what you need to know.
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