FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
5929 Discussions

What is wrong with "Error sending DHCP packet on iface 0".

Honored Contributor II

when i want to test the sockets server software with the NIOS II 8.1 ,I got the follwer question ,can you tell me what can i do with it ? thanks! 

Copyright 1996-2003 by InterNiche Technologies. All rights reserved. ' S5 X, {0 U$ U F1 r8 q 

Can't read the MAC address from your board (this probably means7 u. u# z6 E9 n: } N5 g- ^% C 

that your flash was erased). We will assign you a MAC address and7 o5 L1 q" g2 U) l 

static network settings Please enter your 9-digit serial number. This is printed on a label under your Nios dev. board. The first 3 digits of the  

blabel are ASJ and the serial number follows this.2 H# C3 m) S9 R0 |. H6 v, [ 

-->Created "Inet main" task (Prio: 2) 

Created "clock tick" task (Prio: 3) 

123456789# T3 B$ z; s, |' F 

123456789, Z' M. 


Your Ethernet MAC address is 00:07:ed:ff:cd:15 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

prepped 1 interface, initializing... 

IP address of : 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

Error sending DHCP packet on iface 0. 

ip_exit: calling func 0x2011910 

ip_exit: calling func 0x2017a00 


Your Ethernet MAC address is 00:07:ed:ff:cd:15 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

prepped 1 interface, initializing... 

IP address of : 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

dtrap - needs breakpoint 

Error sending DHCP packet on iface 0. 

ip_exit: calling func 0x2011910 

ip_exit: calling func ], [4 h" p2 A2 w5 ^! y; T 



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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The dtrap message says that something wrong happened. You can fire a debugger, set a breakpoint on dtrap and see where it was called from. It should give you indications about what's wrong.

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Honored Contributor II

thanks,i have got it well

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