FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

using Video in and ethernet

Honored Contributor II


I am very helpless for the job at hand,now. 

I gether a lot of references and hope to resolve the questions on my own,but I found that it is very difficult for me ,because of the lock of the projects experience,so I turn for your guru's help again:)forgive me asking stupid questions!~(and I am sorry that my English is not good) 


the aim of my job :make Video signals to be display on PC via ethernet(RJ45).(My development board is NEEK ) 


The steps I plan to do as follows: 


:)first: input Video signals to SDRAM,I have 2 questions: 

1:can I use PIO module used as signals input,because I donnot find the corresponding module intergrated into SOPC,then encode the signals via  

the SOPC component 8B10B encoder ? 

2:I want to start my work from establishing the simplest project,that is, to store PIO data in SDRAM by DMA,{In fact, the PIO donnot need DMA,I use it here is in order to prepare for the Video signal , the Video signal is a large amount of data.} is this right? 


:) second:to realize the transmission between SDRAM and FIFO of TSE_MAC,I have one question: 

1:what's kind of the data format trasmitted from SDRAM to FIFO of TSE_MAC?according to the MAC frame format, the CCD Video signal data should be added source address or something? 


:) third:how to establish communication between the writed data of FIFO in TSE_MAC and the PC via ethernet? 


maybe my steps are so stupid,but I can only think of these.and I was determined to achieve my goal~~ 


hope somebody gives me hints ,so I donnot be caught into dead cycle...thanks 



Best regards
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8 Replies
Honored Contributor II


Is there somebody help me !!~
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Honored Contributor II

the signals offerred the FIFO of TSE_MAC through Avalon bus are : destination addr+source addr +length+payload data 

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Honored Contributor II

Using a PIO to get the video signal will probably be too slow. You'll have to format your video signal as a stream and use something like a SGDMA to write it to the RAM. 

What you need to provide to the MAC fifo is a full Ethernet packet. This includes the Ethernet header, the IP header, a UDP header (I think UDP is what you'll want to use) and the data itself. 

You can have a look at Wikipedia to get all the header formats, they are well described there.
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Honored Contributor II

hi, Daixiwen or other gurus : 


The VIP example seems to provide the way of using "Video in "interface of my development board(NEEK),I want to send the data of CCTC CCD (NTSC Video) to ethernet,so I create my SOPC system this way :  


transmit :  

clocked video input->SGDMA->sdram->SGDMA->TSE_MAC(build-in FIFO_tx) to ethernet 

(maybe "->SGDMA->sdram->SGDMA"can be deleted,because both "clocked video input"and "TSE_MAC(build-in FIFO_tx)" support ST transmition) 


TSE_MAC(build-in FIFO_rx) ->SGDMA->SDRAM 


is the data flow given above right? 


assume it is right,I have another confusion: 

the SOPC component "clocked video input"seems to add something like head packet into video signals,so the video signals transmitted to ethernet are not clean,what I can do to resolve this problem,do it on pc? 


is there another SOPC component which can replace "clocked video input",and output clean video signals , or I should write it myself,and how to do it? 


I am very urgent about this project~ 

can you repaly me as soon as possible~ 

thanks a lot
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Honored Contributor II

Will you have some compression of the video data before sending it on the Ethernet? 

The hardware configuration that you describe is well adapted to a software solution, using a TCP/IP stack (such as Interniche with ucOS). It is the simplest to design, but the CPU could be too slow to process the data flow if you have a high bandwidth. 

Another way to do it would be to make your own IP that receives the video data and places it in UDP packets. This is closest to the Udp offload example from the wiki and will be a lot faster, but requires more work on the hardware part.
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Honored Contributor II



how to make sure the CPU can meet the bandwidth, and how to calculate it ? 


if I can not give you so much trouble,Could I communicate with you through private E-mail or MSN?:)
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Honored Contributor II

I'm not online very often unfortunately, and it depends a lot on my work load. Besides, video isn't my speciality so you'll probably find better help on the forum...

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Honored Contributor II

Hallo hebeiwuyou,  


i am working on a similar project and want to send video signals to VLC Player using Ethernet.  

can u still give me some Tips about QSYS(I have almost the same data flow in Qsys as yours ), did this flow work ? 


how about Software for NIOS ?  


I would be very glad if u can give me any Tip possible 


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