Automated device programming using tcl, quartus sh, and quartus pgm

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Automated device programming using tcl, quartus sh, and quartus pgm

Automated device programming using tcl, quartus sh, and quartus pgm

This wiki entry is dedicated towards using tcl scripts to automatically generate cdf files and a executable file to program Altera devices within a JTAG Chain. The example uses the Cyclone V GX ATSO3 board with 2 Cyclone V GX C9 parts on the board and in the chain.

The tcl file contents are as follows:

# From a NIOS II command shell


# Use the quartus_sh command as follows:

# quartus_sh -t ./program_chain_arg_cdf.tcl 0 1

# to program on USB0 device 1

# quartus_sh -t ./program_chain_arg_cdf.tcl 0 2

# to program on USB0 device 2

# quartus_sh -t ./program_chain_arg_cdf.tcl 0 ALL

# to program on USB0 all devices


# After running this script, run the following command to program your device(s)

# ./program_chain1.tcl

set fileout [open "LED_Test.cdf" "w"]

set USB_num [lindex $argv 0]

set device_num [lindex $argv 1]

puts $fileout "\/\* Quartus II 64-Bit Version 12.1 Build 240 01\/16\/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version \*\/"

puts $fileout "JedecChain;"

puts $fileout " FileRevision\(JESD32A\);"

puts $fileout " DefaultMfr\(6E\);"

puts $fileout ""

if {$device_num == "ALL"} {

for {set i 1} {$i <= 2} {incr i} {

puts $fileout " P ActionCode\(Cfg\)"

puts $fileout " Device PartName\(5CGXFC9E6F31\) Path\(\"C\:\/altera\/kits\/CycloneV_ATSO3\/LPDDR2_HMC_CTRL\/\") File(\"LPDDR2_HMC_LED_Test.sof\"\) MfrSpec\(OpMask\(1\)\);"


} else {

for {set i 1} {$i <= 2} {incr i} {

if {$i == $device_num} {

puts $fileout " P ActionCode\(Cfg\)"

puts $fileout " Device PartName\(5CGXFC9E6F31\) Path\(\"C\:\/altera\/kits\/CycloneV_ATSO3\/LPDDR2_HMC_CTRL\/\") File(\"LPDDR2_HMC_LED_Test.sof\"\) MfrSpec\(OpMask\(1\)\);"

} else {

puts $fileout " P ActionCode\(Ign\)"

puts $fileout " Device PartName\(5CGXFC9E6F31\) MfrSpec\(OpMask\(0\) FullPath\(\"C\:\/altera\/kits\/CycloneV_ATSO3\/LPDDR2_HMC_CTRL\/LPDDR2_HMC_LED_Test.sof\"\)\);"




puts $fileout ""

puts $fileout "ChainEnd;"

puts $fileout ""

puts $fileout "AlteraBegin;"

puts $fileout " ChainType\(JTAG\);"

puts $fileout "AlteraEnd;"

puts $fileout ""

close $fileout

set fileout2 [open "program_chain1.tcl" "w"]

puts $fileout2 "quartus_pgm -c \"USB-Blaster \[USB-$USB_num\]\" LED_Test.cdf"

close $fileout2


The above script can be adjusted for the your device and sof file location.

To run the script: Start up NIOS II command shell. Then,

$quartus_sh -t ./program_chain_arg_cdf.tcl 0 ALL


The above will program all devices on USB Blaster hooked up to USB0 on the PC (2 devices on the CV ATSO3 card).

$quartus_sh -t ./program_chain_arg_cdf.tcl 0 1


The above will program device 1 on USB Blaster hooked up to USB0 on the PC (2 devices on the CV ATSO3 card).

A user should adjust the loop length at line 25 and 30 depending on the number of devices in their chain. For instance, if you have 50 devices in your chain:

for {set i 1} {$i <= 50} {incr i} {

The script can be enhanced to bound the input arguments. Also, another script could be created to monitor the progress of the program_chain1.tcl file for successful programming results.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-21-2019 09:15 PM
Updated by: