DSPBA Reconfigurable Subsystems

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DSPBA Reconfigurable Subsystems

DSPBA Reconfigurable Subsystems

https://www.intel.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/uploads/f/f9/ReconfigLib.PNG [ ReconfigLib.PNG - click to view image ]

Simulink now has the feature of Reconfigurable Subsystems. These are parameterizable library links - that is links that conditionally reference different implementations. I put together a simple example of this with a very simple filter optionally implemented with single connections, or using vectors.

The Library File:CondLibTest.mdl contains the implementation and the Reconfigurable subsystem 'switch'. The Model File File:Foo.mdl is just the test model into which this library block has been embedded. Here the simple parameter just switches between implementations - but obviously far more complex decisions and alternate implementations could be done. 

Version history
Last update:
‎06-25-2019 09:06 PM
Updated by: