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Operating Systems - Open Source Linux

How is Linux supported?

The Linux Portal (rocketboards.org) is the key element of our Linux support. There are a number of aspects to rocketboards.org including;


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Bug fixes are often delivered through the public git tree (tied to the rocketboards.org portal) In addition to the rocketboards.org, customers have the option to access the traditional Altera support mechanisms.

Option 1. Service request system, Regional Center, Apps, R&D

Option 2. Product FAE, TSFAE (open SR), Apps, R&D

Operating Systems - Other

What operating systems are supported on the Altera Dev Kit?

Details about operating systems coverage for the Altera SoC FPGA devices can be found here: Altera SoC Operating System Availability

Bare-Metal Programming

What bare-metal compilers are supported?

Starting with SoC EDS version 14.0.2, two bare-metal compilers are included: ARM Compiler 5 and Mentor/Code Sourcery CodeBench Altera Edition for ARM EABI (Altera GCC bare-metal compiler).

SoC EDS version prior to 14.0.2, did not include the ARM Compiler 5. Only the Mentor/Code Sourcery CodeBench Altera Edition for ARM EABI was included.

Versions of SoC EDS prior to 14.0, included the Mentor/Code Sourcery CodeBench Lite version.

The bare-metal HWLIBs are tested with both currently included bare-metal compilers: the ARM compiler and the Altera GCC bare-metal compiler.

Does the bare-metal compiler support VFP (hardware Floating Point)?

Prior to 14.0.2, SoC EDS only included the GCC-based CodeSourcery CodeBench Lite compiler. This compiler did not support hardware floating point. Starting with 14.0, the gcc bare-metal compiler changed to arm-altera-eabi, which is an Altera-specific version of the Code Courcery GCC compiler. This Altera version does support hardware floating point. Also the Mentor/Code Sourcery CodeBench Pro Edition does support hardware floating point. This can be licensed from Mentor/Code Sourcery.

The ARM Pro Compiler also supports hardware floating point and it is included with SoC EDS version starting with 14.0.2.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-26-2019 11:13 PM
Updated by: