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The purpose of this page is to provide a link to the user, where the user can download the Stratix 10 PCIe Gen3x8 AVMM DMA reference design. For the DMA details, refer to the user guide below.
Altera PCI Express Stratix 10 Development kit with 1SG280LU3F50E3VGS1
A system with either 32-bit or 64-bit Linux or 64-bit Windows 7 installed
Follow the following instructions to install and run the application
In the application, there are multiple options to configure the software. The user can run read DMA (move data from system memory to the on-chip memory in the FPGA), write DMA (move data from on-chip memory to system memory), or simultaneous read and write. The user can also control the transfer size of each descriptor, the number of descriptors, and how many loops the DMA runs. There is a description to explain all the options when the application is started. To run the DMA, type in "1" to start it.
Revision 1
The reference design was created in ACDS 17.0 IR3
Link to download the project Ep g3x8 avmmdma256 integrated 170ir3.zip
Software Download
Revision 1
Link to download the application and driver Linux for AVMM DMA On Chip Mem.tar.gz
Revision 1
64-bit Windows driver and application:Gui package 090 80000000.zip.
In the package, there is a word document that explains how to install the driver, what additional software needed to be installed, and how to run the application.
April 14, 2017 - Created this page