Reset Address

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Reset Address

Reset Address

(Redirected from ResetAddress)

in sopc builder, more cpu setting, reset address

 this is the hardware reset entry point

a. if you set it to cfi flash, it will insert a altera supplied cfi boot loader by default, then load your program image to sdram, and jump to sdram.

b. if you set it to epcs, it will include a hidden onchip memory, with altera supplied epcs boot loader,

which will load your program image to sdram, and jump to sdram.

c. if you set it to onchip memory, then you need a custom boot loader on the onchip memory, which should load your program image to sdram. eg, you can store your image on IDE HDD, etc.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-26-2019 11:27 PM
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