GPU Compute Software
Ask questions about Intel® Graphics Compute software technologies, such as OpenCL* GPU driver and oneAPI Level Zero
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dispositivo desconhecido ACPI\VEN_INT&DEV_34C2


Driver de áudio do meu pc ficou inativo e sem sucesso em reinstalação de drivers , codec e programas, porem encontrei um dispositivo desconhecido em gerenciador de dispositivos ACPI\VEN_INT&DEV_34C2

não encontrei na lista de downloads, por isto minha mensagem aqui , aguem se dispõe a me ajudar ? Agradecido pelo seu tempo ao ler e ainda mais agradecido aqueles que responderem!

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1 Reply
Super User

So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Please download and run the Intel System Support Utility ( ) for Windows. Select all data categories and then have it generate a report. Next, have the tool Save the report to a text file (don't try to use the Submit capability; it doesn't work). Finally, using the Drag and drop here or browse files to attach dialog below the edit box for the body of your response post, upload and attach this file to the response post.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[W10 is today's XP ]

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