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21843 Discussions

HD 620 or Nvidia M520 goes to Black Screen


I'm going to post at Intel, Lenovo and Nvidia forums hoping for good answers.

I have a Lenovo P51S laptop. I have it connected to an Ultradock and an external Dell monitor which has been connected at different times to DP or HDMI.

The video works as expected except in the following cases:

When DP, using Lightroom or Firefox browser (particularly at Hulu) the monitor will show no signal. It can come back on mouse wiggle at time. Sometimes requires undocking and redocking. Sometimes that would not work And took a reboot. So, I changed to HDMI.

Now same circumstances, the monitor will go black but does not say lost signal and comes back in 5-10 seconds.

I bought another dock, updated firmware. Still have the issue.

Somewhere along the line I read that the Video Manufacturers drivers were more advanced and got them from Intel for the HD 620 and Nvidia for the M520. At this point I am unsure whether I have a Lenovo or Intel or Nvidia drivers currently installed. I did have to get the Nvidia control panel from the Microsoft store, if that helps. Ver 8.964.0. M'soft store will not update this. In fact, the M'soft store seems broken. GET does nothing.

Device Manager shows Intel as Nvidia as Lenovo downloads ( I am thinking the Lenovo driver might be better optimized for the dock) seems to have Intel at (Older) and Nvidia at (Newer). Actually appears this driver from Lenovo has BOTH an intel and Nvidia driver in this package! Unsure, once again if mine came from OEM or Video Manufacturer. Lenovo Vantage shows no new video drivers to update, which in itself is odd.

So, now need advice. Can I update with these downloaded drivers from Lenovo "over the top" of what is installed even if a tad older? This: Versions - n1vda45w.exe (NVIDIA Graphics Driver) (Intel Graphics Driver) package might be the trick if so.

I always get my heart in my throat when a driver changes to Microsoft VGA and I lose window sizes, desktop layouts etc and feel it may never come back:) So I hate to uninstall first. But I would like to solve this.

Could it be anything else?

Could it be just updating the Intel which is used 99% of the time with Photoshop exceptions where the GPU is used?

Sincerely appreciate any help. And apologies if I have posted similar in your forum previously. Though a clean update of the situation might be best.



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13 Replies

RebopThank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.

We are sorry to hear about this issue and we will be more than glad to assist you with this matter. 

In order for us to answer your questions and to provide the most accurate assistance, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system:

Is this a new computer?

What is the model of the new dock?

What is the model of the external Dell monitor?

Did this new dock with this specific machine ever work fine before?

If yes, when did the issue start?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes that might cause this problem?

Which video ports from the computer are you using to connect the dock?

Which video ports of the dock are you using to connect the external monitor?

Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment?

Please attach the SSU report so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, check all the options in the report including the one that says "3rd party software logs":

Any questions, please let me know.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply. Allow me to update with new information, then answer your questions.


OK, more info.

It is 100% repeatable that HULU in Firefox browser will blank (and black) the entire screen for 5-10 seconds. Oddly enough, it will never blank in Edge. And even more odd, it will not blank when undocked!!

I'm sure there are good clues here, just not sure what they are! Both Firefox and Edge are using the Intel HD620 graphics. If it were the dock or monitor, why not with Edge? If the browser. why not undocked? If the driver - virtually same questions. If the monitor, why not in Edge?

Of course this happens in other cases, but this is the one repeatable test. Other times seems more random or at least I have not determined a pattern. ALL times I ma using the Intel HD620 graphics, not the NVIDIA GPU.

Does this help ypou help me?




Is this a new computer?

No, but Windows updates, driver updates, browser updates - who knows what changed to trigger this.


What is the model of the new dock?

Same identical to old - 40A20090US


What is the model of the external Dell monitor?



Did this new dock with this specific machine ever work fine before?

No. Nor did the old which was worse because is actually lost signal and after 2 or 3 times woul dnot come back. Not by powering the monitor nor by anything short of redocking and sometimes rebooting. this one - so far  - always returns by itseld in 10 seconds or so.


If yes, when did the issue start?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes that might cause this problem?

Windows updates to Win 10 22h2 updates.


Which video ports from the computer are you using to connect the dock?

Have tried both DP and HDMI. It is "possible" HDMI is why it only goes black and returns/ I made that change at the same tiome as new dock.


Which video ports of the dock are you using to connect the external monitor?

Same. And tried both HDMI


Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment?

There's a difference? 🙂 Home office.


Please attach the SSU report so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, check all the options in the report including the one that says "3rd party software logs":


Back shortly with this.


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SSU report attached.


Looking forward to your insights!!


0 Kudos

Rebop, You are very welcome, thank you very much for providing that information and the SSU report.

Based on the information shown in the SSU document, we can confirm that your computer is actually working with a dual graphics configuration. It is using Intel® HD Graphics 620 with driver version and also NVIDIA Quadro M520 with driver version

For this scenario, it is important to mention that it is always recommended to install the graphics driver provided by the manufacturer of the computer, since that driver was customized by them to work with your specific platform.

I looked on Lenovo's website and the latest graphics driver version they have available is which is critical. For the Nvidia graphics card, the latest version they have available is Please try a clean installation of those drivers following the instructions in the links below:

If the problem remains after that, for testing purposes, you can try a clean installation, this time of our latest Intel® graphics driver version

I also looked on Nvidia's website and the latest graphics driver version they have available is R535 U7 (537.58), please try to install that driver as well:

Additionally, we recommend to get in contact directly with Lenovo Support to make sure the latest BIOS version is currently installed on your machine or, if necessary, to gather the instructions on how to update it:

Once you get the chance, please let us know the results.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thanks again. I truly appreciate the help! I have a bit to read.

Let me update and ask a couple of questions.


I don't know why I am just thinking of these tests but I just undocked and connected HDMI directly to the monitor. No issues!!

So - it is NOT Firefox.
-it is NOT the laptop (but perhaps driver)
-it does not seem it could be NVIDIA GPU or driver
-it is NOT the montior.

It is either the dock - and it errors this way on either DP or HDMI ports so not isolated to one port, OR the Intel video driver which seems most likely.  Memory is not what it once was, but seems this started when I changed from the Lenovo to the Intel driver as mentioned above. And since I have two identical docks, and both do it. And I do not recall this always being the case, I think this must be.

So video drivers for me are similar to updating BIOS. I always fear a catastrophe. Especially when it goes VGA and everything huge and 256 colors, low res 🙂

What is the absolute safest way to do this? Can I just run the newest Lenovo Intel driver exe over what is now installed? If not, exact steps please!

And if I get into trouble, will a restore point help save me?

Appreciate the reply.


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And yet more information!!

I now recall why I wanted to change Lenovo drivers as the Lenovo version had (has!) a runaway memory leak in DWM.exe. This is the latest Lenovo has and is not fixed.! Since the Intel driver seems to be a VERY possible culprit for the Dock / Black Screen issue, I will likely have to find an older Lenovo driver. I will have to go back to a 2022 version before 9885. n!vda41w. And I am more confident that the black screen issue started when I "updated" video drivers.

Becoming awfully complex. But hate the black screens! Will await your best/easiest/safest method for changing to these older Lenovo drivers. I have removed NVIDIA RTX Desktop Manager. I have their latest control panel from the Microsoft Store. I have Intel Graphics Command Center installed and assume I do not need to remove that, yes? And would be so nice if I could run "41w" and have it overwrite all.


0 Kudos

Hi Albert,

Would appreciate any insight you have to the above. AND, if I try your latest drivers, are you sure this is the right one for my HD 620?


If the problem remains after that, for testing purposes, you can try a clean installation, this time of our latest Intel® graphics driver version







0 Kudos

Hello, @Rebop  


Thank you for the information provided. 


You might try a clean installation of your graphics drivers, using the proper latest Intel generic graphics driver. However, Intel's generic graphics drivers from the Intel website do not work on some computers that support Switchable Graphics. It depends on your computer's hardware configuration. If you encounter problems using the generic driver, Intel recommends reinstalling the latest validated driver from your Computer Manufacturer for your system. 


Also, take in mind that Intel does not recommend using any kind of adapters or docking stations and cannot guarantee 3rd party products/adapters will work as expected, as specified in the article Using Video Cable Adapters, Splitters and/or Docking Stations in Computers not Manufactured by Intel.  


If the issue persists, there is a high probability that this issue is caused by using docking stations as the monitor doesn't give problems using direct connections (HDMI to HDMI). 


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

0 Kudos

This is a COMPUETER SPECIFIC dock, Jocelyn. I have been using these since 2008. I had well over 1,000 colleagues using similar with external monitors and these docks for years with no issues. I do not believe these should be included with you caveat on third party, maybe not ideal splitters, USB Docks, etc, Pehaps check further I think you will find that Ultradocks have been supported for many, many years.


That said, interesting point on Optimus.  Where does Optimus live? In the Intel driver? Someother utility? That will be helpful to know which is the latest driver for the HD 620 (as i asked above for confirmation). I am using YOUR at this moment and I belive even Intel had previously confirmed that Optimus is enabled. So please help me out here with a bit more information.






0 Kudos

Hello, @Rebop  


Thank you for your reply.

As previously provided for a clean installation process, the latest Intel generic graphics driver is What do you mean by Optimus? If you are referring to the Tesla robot (Optimus), please be aware that is out of our scope.

We understand your point of view and discomfort about this docking station subject, however, if your system works fine with direct connections, then the issue is not in the driver. 


Once again, we don't recommend using any kind of adapters or docking stations as cannot guarantee 3rd party products/adapters will work or continue working as expected, and don't support this kind of connection. 


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

0 Kudos

Hello, @Rebop    


I hope you are doing great. 


As we have not heard back from you, we will proceed to close this thread now.


If you need any further assistance with other matters, please feel free to contact us back and submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.  


Best regards,  

Jocelyn M.   

Intel Customer Support Technician. 

0 Kudos

Issue continues. ONLY when docked. And can be stopped by disabling DRM in my browser, but of course that prevents videos from being displayed at all.

The last available driver at Lenovo is Which still has the acknowledged DWM runaway memory leak (well known and documented by Lenovo. Which is what drove me to Intel drivers, but perhaps a newer, if ever, Lenovo driver would solve this issue.

Jocelyn, I would suggest brushing up on Video Driver Knowledge. "Optimus" is a long established technology to switch from integrated graphics to the dedicated GPU and COUNTLESS laptops have these combination drivers, for example Intel and NVIDIA. Countless. Tesla??? Please.

And I will go a stretch and say there a MILLIONS of Lenovo laptops with Lenovo Ultradocks in use daily around the world with INTEL video drivers and no issues with 1-3 monitors connected to those docks. Indeed, Intel supports that.

Would be nice if someone more experienced would help here.

I have not tried a clean install of latest Intel driver, but over the top works with the black out exception when docked. I have not tried going back to Lenovo's latest due to DWM fear.



0 Kudos

Posted at Lenovo just now. Might hel other users here or even Intel support:



I have posted PAGES on this here in several topics for MONTHS. Same at Dell, same at NVIDIA and same at INTEL!!!


Updated and downgraded firmware, Intel video drivers, NVIDIA drivers, Thunderbolt drivers....

And it turns out to be a KNOWN ISSUE!!! Except to Lenovo support, of course. And so hard to Google they keep asking me if I am a bot. Could have stopped my angst in seconds if there was internal communication, but noooooooo.

And to make it worse, known issue Lenovo is not doing a thing about. MANY upset users. Many who never found the above post and continue to search for a solution that does not exist.

But ask support? Update your BIOS. Set to default. Change your (pick three) Thunderbolt drivers, dock firmware, monitor cable, video card....

Truly tech support has become an oxymoron.

Must have owned 12-15 Lenovo computers. This is my last one.

When attempting to access websites with video or opening an HD video, HDMI monitor may display a black screen for two seconds - ThinkPad Dock

Certain HD video websites that use HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) may cause a monitor connected to the HDMI port on a ThinkPad dock to experience approximately two seconds of a black screen or garbage when accessing the website or when opening HD video(4K@60Hz). The HDMI will recover automatically.

Applicable Brands

Operating Systems
Windows 10

This is an HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) limitation for the dock.




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