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tarjeta gráfica Intel Q45/Q43 Express Chipset


buenos días:

Tengo integrado en la placa base la tarjea de gráficos Intel Q45/Q43 Express Chipset. Quiero configurar el ordenador para que funcione con dos pantallas y le he pinchado una tarjeta de gráficos NVidia. Cuando lo arranco me detecta esta como principal pero no detecta el administrador de dispositivos de la integrada Intel Q45/Q43 Express Chipset. Si desconecto la Nvidia me la vuelve a detectar. ¿Que puedo hacer para que detecte la tarjeta Intel Q45/Q43 Express Chipset junto con la otra? Ya he probado con el detector de la configuración de pantalla y el administrador de dispositivos y no me da resultado.

Gracias y saludos

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4 Replies
Super User

Your motherboard bios may allow the onboard graphics, or the nvidia card, but not both.   Check your bios to see if there is a setting to allow both.   With something this old, you may not have that option.


For help with your motherboard bios, contact the system or motherboard manufacturer.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Super User

Look for a parameter in the Video section that allows you to specify what happens with the integrated graphics engine. As Al said, however, it may not be supported for the chipset-based integrated graphics engine. If it is supported, the default is typically to disable the integrated graphics engine when the add-on graphics card is detected. There should also be selections that allow you to specify that the integrated graphics engine should always be disabled and/or should always be disabled.

Again, there is a high likelihood that the capability is not supported. I am vaguely remembering (with my nearing-65 brain) something about a copyright issue that affected this feature.


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Hello Vicente,

Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities.

Just to let you know, our support is only provided in English. We may not be able to translate screenshots attached to the thread. To better assist you, we use a translation tool, hence; the translation may not be completely accurate. 

Were you able to check the previous posts?

Best regards,

Steven G.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Since we have not heard back from you, we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Steven G.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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