Intel® Business Client Software Development
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1388 Discussions

INT34BB (or any other intel) GPIO controller SDK or API


I am not sure if this is the correct board to post this on, but could not find one that would be suitable - so if it does not belong here, my apologies, please suggest where it belongs and I will move it.

I am looking to use the GPIO controller on Intel boards within our applications.

It my understanding that I should be able to set these GPIO pins as inputs or Outputs, set the output state and get the input state. This would generally be the purpose of a GPIO pin.
I have a INT34BB controller on an intel board, I can connect to the pins, the driver is installed for this device, so I don't have any issues with a driver, however I cannot seem to find any documentation for how to access these pins.

Furthermore, Our application is written in C# .NET, and it would be great if there would be an SDK that would give me access to reading and writing to these pics - but for now, I would like to start by finding out if there is any documentation for how to access the GPIO controller and its pins.

I know that .Net has a class for GPIO controllers, and that would work with the controller used in a Raspberry PI, however I don't believe that it will work with this controller.

Any leads to where I can get documentation or an SDK/API that can give me access to the GPIO controller would be greatly appreciated.


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