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how to install AMT SOL/LMS and HECI drivers silently


I'm trying to use a batch program to install AMT SOL/LMS and HECI silently on our new Dell Optiplex 755. Following is my code. I downloaded the software from Dell website. Chipset1 is for chipset software installation utility and it seems working fine. When it ran it took about 10-15 seconds. But the other two will exit in a couple seconds though no errors logged. Any idea how to do it?

Echo Install Intel AMT Chipset Software
Echo Install Intel AMT Chipset Software >>%systemroot%setuplog1.log

Echo Installing Utility Driver.
CD DriversDellGX755ChipsetChipset1
start /wait setup.exe -s -sms
Echo Utility Driver Installed, rc=%ERRORLEVEL% >>%systemroot%setuplog1.log;

Echo Installing Intel AMT SOL/ LMS Driver
CD DriversDellGX755ChipsetChipset2
start /wait setup.exe -s -sms
Echo Intel AMT SOL/ LMS Driver installed, rc=%ERRORLEVEL% >>%systemroot%setuplog1.log

Echo Installing Intel AMT HECI Driver
CD DriversDellGX755ChipsetChipset3
start /wait setup.exe -s -sms
Echo Intel AMT HECI Driver installed, rc=%ERRORLEVEL% >>%systemroot%setuplog1.log

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1 Reply
I got it fixed. For some reason the start/wait is the cause. I have it removed and just set to setup.exe -s for all of them. And it worked. For SOL/LMS and HECI setup.exe -? will show you all the switches. I don't know why start/wait won't work. Usually that's what you need to use in a batch program so it won't run next command till it completes current external program.
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