Intel® C++ Compiler
Community support and assistance for creating C++ code that runs on platforms based on Intel® processors.
7956 Discussions

Ask the Experts Webinar: Getting and Setup for oneAPI Compilers Thursday 8/19/2021


We are starting new Q&A series or Webinars.  The series is designed to help users migrate from the Intel Classic compiler(s) ICC/ICL ICPC to our new compilers based on LLVM technologies.

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The first in the series begins Thursday 8/19/2021 at 9am PDT US Pacific Timezone.

Intel oneAPI Release 2021.3: Getting Started with Latest LLVM-based Compilers

This webinar describes what the new Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler is, options on how to download and install the compiler, and to set up environment to use the compiler.  We will leave time for your questions or issues around download and install.  This webinar is designed for those still using Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE and have not made the move to the oneAPI compilers.  Come learn how to move your development to our latest compilers! 


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