Intel® C++ Compiler
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7956 Discussions

Corruption due to inline optimization?


I have seen some curious problem in my code due to inline optimization by Intel Compiler 7.1 on WinXP platform.

I am not expert with assembly so can not fully appreciate what is going on here. If anyone can guide me or help me then it will be a great help.

I have a C++ code as below:
line 602- ;;; cosf(X::toRadians(render.getLightAzimuth())) *

Which with inline optimization corrupts the stack.

I have listed both unoptimized (works) and unoptimized (fails) assembly output. It seems to me that both calls different sin/cos functions.

Any suggestions what is going wrong??

Optimized version assembly output which _corrupts_ is as below:
0020c d9 fb fsincos ;X.cpp:600.43
;;; sinf(lightElevation),
;;; cosf(V::toRadians(render.getLightAzimuth())) *
0020e 8b 45 bc mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp-68] ;X.cpp:602.59
00211 8b 50 04 mov edx, DWORD PTR [eax+4] ;X.cpp:602.59

00240 ff b2 e8 08 04
00 push DWORD PTR [edx+264424] ;X.cpp:602.59
00246 e8 fc ff ff ff call ?toRadiXXXXXXX ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B10.102: ; Preds .B10.17
0024b 83 c4 0c add esp, 12 ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B10.18: ; Preds .B10.102
0024e d9 ff fcos ;X.cpp:602.59

0025a d9 5d a8 fstp DWORD PTR [ebp-88] ;X.cpp:602.59
0025d f3 0f 10 45 a8 movss xmm0, DWORD PTR [ebp-88] ;X.cpp:602.59


Un-optimized version which DOES NOT corrupt stack is:

;;; cosf(X::toRadians(render.getLightAzimuth())) *

0033c 8b 4d ac mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp-84] ;X.cpp:602.59
0033f e8 fc ff ff ff call ?getLightAzimuth@@@@@ ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B463.51: ; Preds .B463.50
00344 57 push edi ;X.cpp:602.59
00345 d9 1c 24 fstp DWORD PTR [esp] ;X.cpp:602.59
00348 e8 fc ff ff ff call ?toRadians@@@Z ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B463.160: ; Preds .B463.51
0034d 59 pop ecx ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B463.52: ; Preds .B463.160
0034e 57 push edi ;X.cpp:602.59
0034f d9 1c 24 fstp DWORD PTR [esp] ;X.cpp:602.59
00352 e8 fc ff ff ff call _cosf ;X.cpp:602.59
; LOE f1
.B463.161: ; Preds .B463.52
00357 dd 5d b0 fstp QWORD PTR [ebp-80] ;X.cpp:602.59
0035a 83 c4 04 add esp, 4 ;X.cpp:602.59
.B463.53: ; Preds .B463.161

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1 Reply

Please file an issue to premier support with the .i file (that contains the code of above) and compile options. To get the .i file, add -EP -P to the compile option.

To get going, try to compile this file with -Ob0 or add "__declspec(noinline)" to function "render.getLightAzimuth()".

Thank you,


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