Intel® C++ Compiler
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Having problems with large resource stall on writes.

I am writing a method for a P3, that uses SIMD, which processes a large block of data. So it reads and writes more than a cache full. The reads are no problem since I am using prefetches, etc. But it is the writes that are slowing me down. I am writing 64 bits of data at a time with movntq, and it is averaging 22 cycles of stall per call. I am using the ICC on a linux machine with the following assembly as inline. I also tried for comparision using movq and it is twice as slow. Below is part of my code. I am especially worried because I may have to change the writes to 32 bit writes due to a change in the algorithm. Any ideas would be appreciated on how to optimize this.

// Compiled with : icc -use_msasm -O3 -xK



// Fetch 5 loops in advance.
prefetchnta [esi+6*32];
prefetchnta [esi+2880+6*32];

* For optimal cache use, we will process a line of cache at a time
* which is 32 bytes. or 8 pixels. So we will process the average
* of the first 8.
* First do Pixels 1-3
movq mm2, [esi+8]; // pixel 3 - 4
movq mm3, [esi+2888];

// Save so we can use to calculate pixel 4.
// mm3 will not be changed.
movq mm7, mm2;

// For pixel 2 , we want top of mm0, and bot mm2
// AB CD <=> AD; D0 AB = AD
movq mm4, mm2;
psllq mm4, 32; // Move bottom half of mm2 to top.
punpckhdq mm4, mm0; // mm4 becomes high of mm0, low mm2

// Now repeat for bottom row pixels. t mm1, and b mm3
movq mm5, mm3;
psllq mm5, 32;
punpckhdq mm5, mm1;

pavgb mm0,mm1; // For pixel 1
pavgb mm2,mm3; // For pixel 3
pavgb mm4,mm5; // For pixel 2

// Now to get average of dw's in mm, copy the top of
punpckldq mm6,mm0; // xx ab = bx : pixel 1
pavgb mm0,mm6;

punpckldq mm6,mm2; // xx cd = dx : pixel 3
pavgb mm2,mm6;

punpckldq mm6,mm4; // xx ef = fx : pixel 2
pavgb mm4,mm6;

// Now top half of mm0,mm2,mm4 have the average pixel.
// Combine mm0 and mm4 to store pixels 1 and 2.
// ab cd <=> ca
punpckhdq mm0,mm4;

// The source of the stalls.
movntq [ebx],mm0; // Store Pixels 1 and 2.

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