Intel® C++ Compiler
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Good Afternoon Friend,

I am trying to figure out how to map threads to specific OS Processor IDs per the following article:

I have a cluster with dual Intel® Xeon® E5-2650 CPUs (8 physical cores each, 16 HT CPUs each). Let's say I have 4 MPI ranks that run 4 OpenMP threads each, and that I would like them to map to logical CPUs 0-15 (some of our users want to allow one thread to dominate each physical core). Here is how I am attempting to do this:

[frenchrd@rhea16 /lustre/atlas/scratch/frenchrd/stf007]$ GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15" OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 mpirun --cpus-per-proc 4 --bind-to-core -report-bindings -n 4 ./hello_world.exe

This produces the following output:

[rhea16:107285] MCW rank 0 bound to socket 0[core 0-3]: [B B B B . . . .][. . . . . . . .]
[rhea16:107285] MCW rank 1 bound to socket 0[core 4-7]: [. . . . B B B B][. . . . . . . .]
[rhea16:107285] MCW rank 2 bound to socket 1[core 0-3]: [. . . . . . . .][B B B B . . . .]
[rhea16:107285] MCW rank 3 bound to socket 1[core 4-7]: [. . . . . . . .][. . . . B B B B]
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 0.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 1.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 2.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 3.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 4.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 5.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 6.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 7.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 0.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 1.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 2.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 3.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 4.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 5.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 6.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 7.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 8.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 9.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 10.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 12.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 13.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 14.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 15.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 11.
Rank 2 | Thread 0 | CPU 8
Rank 2 | Thread 2 | CPU 10
Rank 2 | Thread 1 | CPU 9
Rank 2 | Thread 3 | CPU 11
Global sum: 0.000000
Rank 3 | Thread 0 | CPU 12
Rank 3 | Thread 1 | CPU 13
Rank 3 | Thread 3 | CPU 15
Rank 3 | Thread 2 | CPU 14
Global sum: 0.000000
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 4.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 5.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 6.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 7.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 8.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 9.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 10.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 11.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 12.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 13.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 14.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 15.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 0.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 1.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 2.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 3.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 8.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 9.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 10.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 11.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 12.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 13.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 14.
OMP: Warning #123: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 15.
Rank 1 | Thread 0 | CPU 4
Rank 1 | Thread 1 | CPU 5
Rank 1 | Thread 2 | CPU 6
Rank 1 | Thread 3 | CPU 7
Global sum: 0.000000
Rank 0 | Thread 1 | CPU 1
Rank 0 | Thread 0 | CPU 0
Rank 0 | Thread 2 | CPU 2
Rank 0 | Thread 3 | CPU 3
Global sum: 0.000000

It does appear that the threads are bound to the logical CPUs that I was aiming for, so that is exciting. However, I would like to get a better understanding for what is causing the errors. There are 48 separate errors, so I am *guessing* that each of the 4 ranks is complaining about being issued a GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY variable containing the 4 CPUs it is responsible for plus 12 that it isn't. So for example, perhaps rank 1 issues 12 warnings for CPUs 0,1,2,3,   and   CPUs 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15.

Does that sound reasonable? Do I need to figure out how to provide separate versions of the GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY variable to each rank? Or is there a way I can just... get OMP to turn the warnings off since it does seem to be doing what I intended?

Thanks very much for your help, I certainly appreciate your time.


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1 Reply

This will get a better answer in our compiler forum.  I'm going to move it there.

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