Intel® C++ Compiler
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7956 Discussions

Way to disable nullptr check in placement new?


Is there a way to disable the nullptr check in placement new?

As of C++17 the nullptr check is no longer required: "If the standard placement allocation function returns a null pointer, which is possible if the user passes a null pointer as the argument, the behavior is undefined. (since C++17)", from

The change to C++17 was made specifically to remove the nullptr check: "This test is unnecessary overhead; it should be the user's responsibility to ensure that a null pointer is not used in these forms of placement new, just as for other cases when a pointer is dereferenced.", from Defect Report 1748 at

I am using the Intel C++ 64 compiler for Windows, version Build 20170811.  Among the things that I have tried are the command line option /Qstd=c++17, and using the __assume statement as a hint to the optimizer that the memory pointer is not a nullptr.  Here is a snippet from the assembler output showing the nullptr check:

;;;   __assume( nullptr != MemoryPointer );
;;;   BaseClass* Pointer = new( MemoryPointer ) MyClass();
        test      rbx, rbx
        je        .B1.5
        mov       rax, QWORD PTR [__$U2a.0.168]
        mov       QWORD PTR [rbx], rax
        mov       rcx, rbx
        jmp       .B1.6
        xor       ecx, ecx

The command line I used:

icl /FAs /Os /Qstd=c++17 test.cpp

The source code for test.cpp:


class BaseClass
    virtual void Write() { std::cout << "BaseClass"; return; }

class MyClass: public BaseClass
    virtual void Write() override { std::cout << "MyClass"; return; }

void* GetMemoryPointer()
  return new int[1000];

int main()
  void* MemoryPointer = GetMemoryPointer();

  __assume( nullptr != MemoryPointer );
  BaseClass* Pointer = new( MemoryPointer ) MyClass();


  delete[] MemoryPointer;

  return 0;
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