Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC
Community support and discussions on the Intel® Collaboration Suite for WebRTC (Intel® CS for WebRTC).

MCU -> RTSP connection anomolies



When connecting RTSP sources with the MCU we see that after 3 seconds of succsefully delivering frames (NAL units) the MCU requests a second RTSP PLAY command that it then uses to transcode and publish the WebRTC stream. We see this for many sources and conditions.

Why does the MCU RTSP client stream for 3 seconds before doing anything with the stream?

Can this duration be lowered as it has an affect on the initial connection to display time of around 4 seconds in total for RTSP sources through the MCU?

We would like to reduce this time for customer experience.

Attached is a marked Wireshark trace of the experience.

Many thanks in advance.

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