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Hello how are you?
I'm running my master's experiments in Python, they are convolutional neural networks for image classification, but I'm having some problems. I am getting disconnected from my run after some time, I need to run the experiment 30 times so I take an average of 3 hours to complete. The problem is that when it's around run 25 I'm always being disconnected, as shown in the screenshot below. I've already tested several internet connections, but the problem persists.
To run the codes I'm using these commands:
ssh devcloud
qsub -I
ssh s001-n000.aidevcloud
I was reading this post, https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-DevCloud/Login-Node-Versus-Compute-Node-in-Intel-DevCloud/mp/1211227#M1421, and I don't know if I can be doing it something wrong. Could I have a greater processing capacity or is there any other way to solve my problem? I had to try 10 times to get one, the other 9 I was disconnected
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Hi Ghnunes,
By default the maximum wall clock time the job may run in devcloud is 6 hours (this could be increased up to 24 hours if required, eg (qsub -I -l walltime=24:00:00). Since your job takes only 3 hours, you don't seem to be having an issue with wall time exceeding.
The error(client_loop::send disconnect: broken pipe) is because the server is not kept alive due to inactivity and is getting killed before 3 hours in your case.
To resolve open your ssh config file(~/.ssh/config). And in ssh configurations, for the below hosts
add the below lines to the ssh configuration
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 300
TCPKeepAlive no
Host devcloud
User uXXXX
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-uXXXX.txt
ProxyCommand ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-uXXXX.txt guest@ssh.devcloud.intel.com
ServerAliveInterval 300
TCPKeepAlive no
Once the configuration is added please try again and let me know if you are still facing connection timed out issues.
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Hi @ArunJ_Intel , thanks so much for the help.
I made the changes you recommended, but when I ran my code after about 2-3 hours of processing it disconnected me again. On the terminal gave this message:
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My file ssh is:
# oneAPI DevCloud SSH config
Host devcloud
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-xxxxx.txt
ProxyCommand ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-xxxxxx.txt guest@ssh.devcloud.intel.com
ServerAliveInterval 300
TCPKeepAlive no
Host devcloud.proxy
Port 4022
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-xxxxxx.txt
ProxyCommand ssh -T devcloud-via-proxy
# If you must route outgoing SSH connection via a corporate proxy,
# replace PROXY_HOSTNAME and PORT below with the values provided by
# your network administrator.
Host devcloud-via-proxy
User guest
Hostname ssh.devcloud.intel.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-xxxxxx.txt
LocalForward 4022 c009:22
ProxyCommand nc -x PROXY_HOSTNAME:PORT %h %p
# DevCloud VSCode config
Host devcloud-vscode
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
StrictHostKeyChecking no
Hostname localhost
Port 5022
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-XXXXXXX.txt
ServerAliveInterval 300
TCPKeepAlive no
# SSH Tunnel config
Host *.aidevcloud
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-xxxxxxxx.txt
ProxyCommand ssh -T devcloud nc %h %p
LocalForward 5022 localhost:22
LocalForward 5901 localhost:5901
ServerAliveInterval 300
TCPKeepAlive no
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Hi Ghnunes,
Could you please make sure your connection was stable during the period. I was able to connect to nodes and run processes > 4 hours without any issues with the configuration I had shared.
From your screenshots I can see that the session of devcloud where you submit interactive job (ie run qsub -I) is the one that is getting timed out, A workaround to this would be submitting a batch job using qsub, so the job does not get killed even if your connection to devcloud terminal times out.
To do this instead of the command qsub -I run qsub Jobfile.txt
Jobfile.txt should have the code you would need to execute on the node. In this case if you just want to request a node and run your workload from vscode, create Jobfile.txt with the below content to keep the job running for 6 hours.
echo "job started"
sleep 6h
After the job is submitted, To get the node name, type the command below:
qstat -xf <your_job_id>
Node name will be in the parameter called <exec_host> in the output of the above command. Once you have the node name you can connect with the second terminal(terminal on the right) as in your screenshot.
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Hi @ArunJ_Intel , thanks so much for the help.
I will contact my internet provider and check if I have any problems.
I managed to create the Job file on my server and run it in this new way you recommended and right away I was able to run my experiment. A question, this new way even if my vscode is disconnected my code will continue running server-side?
And if that's right I can reconnect to this node again or would it make the process that is running be stopped?
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Hi Ghnunes,
Yes the content of jobfile will continue to run on server side even if you are disconnected from the node when you submit as a batch job.
To reconnect to the node once you have the node name from qstat-xf command you could connect to the machine using ssh,
if you are connecting from your host machine you can connect with
ssh hostname.aidevcloud
ssh s001-n007.aidevcloud
Or you could ssh to the node from devcloud login node using the node name
ssh s001-n007
Replace s001-n007 with your hostname from qstat-xf command.
Arun Jose
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Just to confirm that I understand.
I'm running my code by vscode, so in my JobFile I put the commands you mentioned:
so if my vscode is disconnected will the code continue running on the server and the outputs will be saved in the folders I requested?
Sorry for the number of questions, I'm new to this field of access to servers.
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It worked @ArunJ_Intel, I put it to run and turned off the pc on purpose and when I came back I had saved my output.
I don't even know how to thank you, thank you very much for being available in time to help me.
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Hi Ghnunes
Glad to know your issue has been resolved. We would discontinue monitoring this issue, please raise a new thread if you have further issues.
Arun Jose
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Hi @ArunJ_Intel
I have another problem now, it is no longer returning the exec_host when I run the commands.
ssh devcloud
qsub JobFile.txt
qstat -xf xxxxx.v-qsvr-1.aidevcloud
In the output there is no longer the <exec_host>
When I try with qsub -I sometimes I get this error:
qsub: submission error (maximum number of jobs already queued for MSG user = total number of jobs for current user exceeds queue limit: user u80023@login-2.aidevcloud, queue batch)
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Hi Ghnunes,
I could see you have raised your follow up issue in the below thread. The issue would be addressed there.
Arun Jose
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