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I am trying the above for a VGG16 model. But there are unsupported operations that are preventing me from doing this. Here's the notebook where one can see how I am creating the model and necessary files for generating the NCS graph. Help would be appreciated. I am using v2 of NCSDK, btw.
Here's the full error stack:
sayak@sayak-VirtualBox:~/workspace/Fine-tune and then use on NCS for inference$ mvNCCompile TF_Model/tf_model.meta -in=input_1 -on=dense_2/Softmax
/usr/lib/python3.5/importlib/_bootstrap.py:222: RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
return f(*args, **kwds)
/usr/local/bin/ncsdk/Controllers/Parsers/TensorFlowParser/Convolution.py:47: SyntaxWarning: assertion is always true, perhaps remove parentheses?
assert(False, "Layer type not supported by Convolution: " + obj.type)
mvNCCompile v02.00, Copyright @ Intel Corporation 2017
****** Info: No Weights provided. inferred path: TF_Model/tf_model.data-00000-of-00001******
2019-06-18 16:40:17.142256: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
[Error 4] Toolkit Error: Stage Type Not Supported: StopGradient
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Hello Shubha. Finally I could figure this out and I have successfully employed my NCS to infer using a fine-tuned model in TensorFlow (not downloaded from TF ZOO). Here is my workflow:
- I use keras extensively and keras is kind of my home ground. First I fine-tuned a VGG16 (which was trained on ImageNet) network on the CIFAR10 dataset.
- After training and testing the model the next step was to create the .pb file which is the main ingredient when we are employing OpenVINO to optimize a TF model. In order to get that file, I first needed to convert my keras model to a native TensorFlow session. Using that session, I generated the .pb file using the instructions as mentioned on Intel's site and freezed the model.
- The next step was to employ the mo_tf.py file to optimizer the frozen TF model. This is where I was going wrong. I needed to specify the input_shape argument in there. Wehn you are using a TF file which was derived from keras, the functions may not be able to infer the shapes. This is why this had to be specified explicitly. As I was going to run this on my NCS, I specified the data_type to be FP16.
- After mo_tf.py generated me the .xml and .bin files, I could finally use the Inference Engine workflow to test the inference.
I hope this will help a lot of developers who might face the same problem. I will shortly convert this to a full-fledged blog :)
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Dear Sayak
NCSDK is no longer supported. Please upgrade your code to OpenVino - all NCS functions are now handled within OpenVino. In fact we even recently open sourced the VPU hardware plugin https://github.com/opencv/dldt in the open-source version of OpenVino.
Hope it helps.
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Hi Shubha. Thanks for your reply. Would you be able to link me any tutorials/videos which demonstrates this refactoring?
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Hi Shubha,
Thank you very much for all your help. I have been playing with OpenVINO now and the experience has been great so far. The documentation is so well written and explained as well. However, I did not find anything substantial aiding transfer learning really. Let me explain the entire flow I am following.
Problem statement: Build an image classification model to detect images from the CIFAR10 dataset.
I am using a VGG16 model which was trained on the ImageNet dataset and then I am fine-tuning it to support my problem. I am using Keras for this and then I am converting it to TF graphs files which are compatible with NCS (not 2). Then I am following the instructions as specified over here. I get the following stack of error:
mo_tf.py --input_meta_graph tf_model.meta --data_type FP16
Model Optimizer arguments:
Common parameters:
- Path to the Input Model: None
- Path for generated IR: /home/sayak/workspace/Fine_Tune_Infer_NCS/TF_Model/.
- IR output name: tf_model
- Log level: ERROR
- Batch: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Output layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input shapes: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Mean values: Not specified
- Scale values: Not specified
- Scale factor: Not specified
- Precision of IR: FP16
- Enable fusing: True
- Enable grouped convolutions fusing: True
- Move mean values to preprocess section: False
- Reverse input channels: False
TensorFlow specific parameters:
- Input model in text protobuf format: False
- Path to model dump for TensorBoard: None
- List of shared libraries with TensorFlow custom layers implementation: None
- Update the configuration file with input/output node names: None
- Use configuration file used to generate the model with Object Detection API: None
- Operations to offload: None
- Patterns to offload: None
- Use the config file: None
Model Optimizer version: 2019.1.1-83-g28dfbfd
/usr/lib/python3.5/importlib/_bootstrap.py:222: RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
return f(*args, **kwds)
[ FRAMEWORK ERROR ] Cannot load input model: Error while reading resource variable total from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Resource localhost/total/N10tensorflow3VarE does not exist.
[[{{node total/Read/ReadVariableOp}} = ReadVariableOp[dtype=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](total)]]
Caused by op 'total/Read/ReadVariableOp', defined at:
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo_tf.py", line 31, in <module>
sys.exit(main(get_tf_cli_parser(), 'tf'))
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/main.py", line 312, in main
return driver(argv)
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/main.py", line 263, in driver
is_binary=not argv.input_model_is_text)
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/pipeline/tf.py", line 81, in tf2nx
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/front/tf/loader.py", line 217, in load_tf_graph_def
restorer = tf.train.import_meta_graph(input_meta_graph_def)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py", line 1666, in import_meta_graph
meta_graph_or_file, clear_devices, import_scope, **kwargs)[0]
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py", line 1688, in _import_meta_graph_with_return_elements
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/meta_graph.py", line 806, in import_scoped_meta_graph_with_return_elements
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/deprecation.py", line 488, in new_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/importer.py", line 442, in import_graph_def
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/importer.py", line 234, in _ProcessNewOps
for new_op in graph._add_new_tf_operations(compute_devices=False): # pylint: disable=protected-access
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3438, in _add_new_tf_operations
for c_op in c_api_util.new_tf_operations(self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3438, in <listcomp>
for c_op in c_api_util.new_tf_operations(self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3297, in _create_op_from_tf_operation
ret = Operation(c_op, self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 1768, in __init__
self._traceback = tf_stack.extract_stack()
FailedPreconditionError (see above for traceback): Error while reading resource variable total from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Resource localhost/total/N10tensorflow3VarE does not exist.
[[{{node total/Read/ReadVariableOp}} = ReadVariableOp[dtype=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](total)]
According to my exploration, I could not really find any good material on this topic. The notebook which I used to generate the TF files is specified in the question itself. Requesting for your assistance.
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Dear Sayak Paul,
Did you freeze your tensorflow model first ? See the below document.
Or did you pick from the already frozen Supported Tensorflow List ? VGG16 is definitely on this list.
Please report back here and I will help you.
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Hi Shubha. I did that too. Here's the error stack now:
I am running this mo_tf.py --input_model inference_graph.pb --data_type FP16
Model Optimizer arguments:
Common parameters:
- Path to the Input Model: /home/sayak/workspace/Fine_Tune_Infer_NCS/TF_Model/inference_graph.pb
- Path for generated IR: /home/sayak/workspace/Fine_Tune_Infer_NCS/TF_Model/.
- IR output name: inference_graph
- Log level: ERROR
- Batch: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Output layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input shapes: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Mean values: Not specified
- Scale values: Not specified
- Scale factor: Not specified
- Precision of IR: FP16
- Enable fusing: True
- Enable grouped convolutions fusing: True
- Move mean values to preprocess section: False
- Reverse input channels: False
TensorFlow specific parameters:
- Input model in text protobuf format: False
- Path to model dump for TensorBoard: None
- List of shared libraries with TensorFlow custom layers implementation: None
- Update the configuration file with input/output node names: None
- Use configuration file used to generate the model with Object Detection API: None
- Operations to offload: None
- Patterns to offload: None
- Use the config file: None
Model Optimizer version: 2019.1.1-83-g28dfbfd
/usr/lib/python3.5/importlib/_bootstrap.py:222: RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
return f(*args, **kwds)
[ ERROR ] Shape [-1 48 48 3] is not fully defined for output 0 of "input_1". Use --input_shape with positive integers to override model input shapes.
[ ERROR ] Cannot infer shapes or values for node "input_1".
[ ERROR ] Not all output shapes were inferred or fully defined for node "input_1".
For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (<INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/documentation/docs/MO_FAQ.html), question #40.
[ ERROR ] It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function tf_placeholder_ext.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f9fdcd23400>.
[ ERROR ] Or because the node inputs have incorrect values/shapes.
[ ERROR ] Or because input shapes are incorrect (embedded to the model or passed via --input_shape).
[ ERROR ] Run Model Optimizer with --log_level=DEBUG for more information.
[ ERROR ] Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): Stopped shape/value propagation at "input_1" node.
For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (<INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/documentation/docs/MO_FAQ.html), question #38.
Here's the updated notebook which freezes the TF model as per the instructions specified.
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Hi Shubha,
I took a simple CNN (not a pretrained one) and tried it with OpenVINO to get the necessary files for inference. Eve that fails and here's the full error trace:
I am running this comment as usual (have tried with --data_type FP16 flag as well and the result is still the same)
mo_tf.py --input_meta_graph TF_Model/tf_model.meta
Model Optimizer arguments:
Common parameters:
- Path to the Input Model: None
- Path for generated IR: /home/sayak/workspace/NCS + TensorFlow/.
- IR output name: tf_model
- Log level: ERROR
- Batch: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Output layers: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Input shapes: Not specified, inherited from the model
- Mean values: Not specified
- Scale values: Not specified
- Scale factor: Not specified
- Precision of IR: FP32
- Enable fusing: True
- Enable grouped convolutions fusing: True
- Move mean values to preprocess section: False
- Reverse input channels: False
TensorFlow specific parameters:
- Input model in text protobuf format: False
- Path to model dump for TensorBoard: None
- List of shared libraries with TensorFlow custom layers implementation: None
- Update the configuration file with input/output node names: None
- Use configuration file used to generate the model with Object Detection API: None
- Operations to offload: None
- Patterns to offload: None
- Use the config file: None
Model Optimizer version: 2019.1.1-83-g28dfbfd
/usr/lib/python3.5/importlib/_bootstrap.py:222: RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
return f(*args, **kwds)
[ FRAMEWORK ERROR ] Cannot load input model: Error while reading resource variable total from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Resource localhost/total/N10tensorflow3VarE does not exist.
[[{{node total/Read/ReadVariableOp}} = ReadVariableOp[dtype=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](total)]]
Caused by op 'total/Read/ReadVariableOp', defined at:
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo_tf.py", line 31, in <module>
sys.exit(main(get_tf_cli_parser(), 'tf'))
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/main.py", line 312, in main
return driver(argv)
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/main.py", line 263, in driver
is_binary=not argv.input_model_is_text)
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/pipeline/tf.py", line 81, in tf2nx
File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.1.144/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/front/tf/loader.py", line 217, in load_tf_graph_def
restorer = tf.train.import_meta_graph(input_meta_graph_def)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py", line 1666, in import_meta_graph
meta_graph_or_file, clear_devices, import_scope, **kwargs)[0]
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/training/saver.py", line 1688, in _import_meta_graph_with_return_elements
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/meta_graph.py", line 806, in import_scoped_meta_graph_with_return_elements
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/util/deprecation.py", line 488, in new_func
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/importer.py", line 442, in import_graph_def
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/importer.py", line 234, in _ProcessNewOps
for new_op in graph._add_new_tf_operations(compute_devices=False): # pylint: disable=protected-access
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3438, in _add_new_tf_operations
for c_op in c_api_util.new_tf_operations(self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3438, in <listcomp>
for c_op in c_api_util.new_tf_operations(self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 3297, in _create_op_from_tf_operation
ret = Operation(c_op, self)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 1768, in __init__
self._traceback = tf_stack.extract_stack()
FailedPreconditionError (see above for traceback): Error while reading resource variable total from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Resource localhost/total/N10tensorflow3VarE does not exist.
[[{{node total/Read/ReadVariableOp}} = ReadVariableOp[dtype=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](total)]]
Here you can find the notebook which builds me the model and necessary files. As this is not a custom model, I think I am not supposed to freeze anything. Hence, I am following the instructions (from a metafile) specified over here: http://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_convert_model_Convert_Model_From_TensorFlow.html#Convert_From_TF
Requesting you to please run the files otherwise, you won't know if I am correct in the process. The notebooks are well commented so following them should not be an issue.
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Hello Shubha. Finally I could figure this out and I have successfully employed my NCS to infer using a fine-tuned model in TensorFlow (not downloaded from TF ZOO). Here is my workflow:
- I use keras extensively and keras is kind of my home ground. First I fine-tuned a VGG16 (which was trained on ImageNet) network on the CIFAR10 dataset.
- After training and testing the model the next step was to create the .pb file which is the main ingredient when we are employing OpenVINO to optimize a TF model. In order to get that file, I first needed to convert my keras model to a native TensorFlow session. Using that session, I generated the .pb file using the instructions as mentioned on Intel's site and freezed the model.
- The next step was to employ the mo_tf.py file to optimizer the frozen TF model. This is where I was going wrong. I needed to specify the input_shape argument in there. Wehn you are using a TF file which was derived from keras, the functions may not be able to infer the shapes. This is why this had to be specified explicitly. As I was going to run this on my NCS, I specified the data_type to be FP16.
- After mo_tf.py generated me the .xml and .bin files, I could finally use the Inference Engine workflow to test the inference.
I hope this will help a lot of developers who might face the same problem. I will shortly convert this to a full-fledged blog :)
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Dear Sayak,
Thanks for reporting back your success to the OpenVino community ! We definitely appreciate that ! And please share your blogpost to the community when you are done.
I'm very glad that you have pieced everything together and got it working.
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