Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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adding custom Layer




I have a model containing absVal layer. I had configured model optimizer and created IR model successfully. I had write configuration file, and added to project as the extension class is a part of project. (in CmakeLists.txt  I make it shared library but to be able to run project, I needed to add .cpp file which I create for extension to the project). It works fine; However, When I tried to use .dll file of extension, I get en error saying "GetProcAddress cannot locate method" in void* get_symbol function.

Why this happens, what am I missing I couldn't figure. 


Attached, you can find the source code, which I mostly copied from tutorial, corrected the error causes compile error, and make proper changes like execute function.

I use Visual Studio Community 15.7.4

OS: Windows 10

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