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I have a question about RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_LINEAR_CURVE mode.
How to define disjoint curves with this mode?
For example if i want to have 2 curves with 2 vertices each i put in vertex buffer :
[v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, ]
and in index buffer :
[0,1, 3,4 ] this should give 2 curves :
[v0, v1, v2,] and [v3, v4, v5]?
(hair implementation) .
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The linear curve uses 2 control points. Thus in your case you would render the two curves (v0,v1) and (v3,v4).
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it seems not consistent with the code which i saw in tutorial motion_blur_geometry_device.cpp :
/* add line geometry */
unsigned int addLines (RTCScene scene, const Vec3fa& pos, unsigned int num_time_steps)
RTCGeometry geom = rtcNewGeometry (g_device, RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_LINEAR_CURVE);
Vec3fa* bspline = (Vec3fa*) alignedMalloc(16*sizeof(Vec3fa),16);
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
float f = (float)(i)/16.0f;
bspline = Vec3fa(2.0f*f-1.0f,sin(12.0f*f),cos(12.0f*f));
for (unsigned int t=0; t<num_time_steps; t++)
Vec3fa* vertices = (Vec3fa*) rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geom,bufType,t,RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT4,sizeof(Vec3fa),16);
AffineSpace3fa rotation = AffineSpace3fa::rotate(Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0),2.0f*float(pi)*(float)t/(float)(num_time_steps-1));
AffineSpace3fa scale = AffineSpace3fa::scale(Vec3fa(2.0f,1.0f,1.0f));
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
vertices = Vec3fa(xfmPoint(rotation*scale,bspline)+pos,0.2f);
int* indices = (int*) rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geom,RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX,0,RTC_FORMAT_UINT,sizeof(int),15);
for (int i=0; i<15; i++) indices = i;
unsigned int geomID = rtcAttachGeometry(scene,geom);
return geomID;
Looks like in index buffer we put index of the segments - (15 segments and 16 vertices). At least this is the way i implemented - are y actually saying that for having two curves [v0, v1, v2,] and [v3, v4, v5] i should put (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5) ? It's confusing. Thanks for the insight in advance.
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Embree draws a line from vertices[index_buffer[curve_id]+0] to vertices[index_buffer[curve_id]+1].
What do you mean with a curve [v0,v1,v2] ?
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I want to have two separate curves. It's just strange that in this tutorial it's for (int i=0; i<15; i++) indices = i;
So i guess that i'd have to put [0,1,1,2,3,4,4,5] to have curves [v0,v1,v2] and [v3,v4,v5].
How rayhit.hit.primID correspond to this curve ? I guess
rayhit.hit.primID = { 0,1,2,3 } 0 - [0,1] , 1 - [1,2], 2 - [3,4], 3-[4,5] ?
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In the tutorial vertices get shared between neighboring curves.
If you do not want to share vertices you have to fill the index array with [0,2,4] to get cuves p0->p1 (primID=0), p2->p3 (primID=1), and p4->p5 (primID=2).
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