Intel® FPGA University Program
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IDE newbie question

Honored Contributor II

Hey yall. Im using NIOS II IDE ,ad I want to use some Altera university IP cores, I follow the PDF that comes with my version of the suite. BUt I get a really weid error. 


When I tell it to compile it complains that it cannot find the# include "altera_up_avalon_audio.h" file. It says that the file or folder is inexistant. 


But I can browse to i just by using the project explorer on the left. I have tried up and down an option to tell where to look But I think eclipse has beat me to it again. 


Here are some screen shots. Please Help I am beating my head on this one for some time. 

regards :)
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I guess your University_Program folder and subfolders were not added in the syslib include path list. Open syslib properties and try to add manually

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Honored Contributor II

Yes That is exactly what I have tried to do. I have dumped the contents of the university program in there but still I get problems.  


I haven't however found the exact instruction of how to properlly tell the compiler to took in those folder... 


but as you see on the picture, the files are in the IDE under the Altera.Components tree inside of Eclipse.  


Still today no luck. I'm on version 9.2 

Can if you would kindly explain to me how to add the compiler to search inside of those folders for those .h and .C files.  



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